Harry Fuchs (Administrative Scientist)

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Harry Fuchs (born April 2, 1945 in Wilnsdorf-Wilden ) is a German rehabilitation and administrative scientist .


After completing secondary school at the Werner von Siemens Realschule in Düsseldorf, Harry Fuchs completed an apprenticeship as a civil servant at the State Insurance Authority of the Rhine Province , which he completed as a graduate in administration from the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia . He then worked in various functions in the health department and most recently until 1991 as deputy head of the central sanatorium administration department of the Rhine Province State Insurance Institution, since 1988 released as head of the commission of the Association of German Pension Insurance Institutions , Frankfurt, for the further development of rehabilitation . From 1990 to 1992 he was head of the social security department, statutory health insurance doctor and statutory health insurance dentist at the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Family, Dresden. Subsequently, in the role of department director and deputy president of the State Office for Youth, Social Affairs and Supply of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz, as project manager of the Minister for Labor, Social Affairs and Health until December 31, 1995, he developed the reform of the public health service and the authorities and offices of the social administration of Rhineland-Palatinate. From January 1, 1996 he was on leave for academic activities (Humboldt University, Berlin). Since May 1, 2001 he has been a retired department director. D. and freelance expert in the field of social and health care and advisor to various representatives of the Federal Government for the concerns of people with disabilities and involved in the development of the Ninth Book of the Social Code .

Harry Fuchs has been involved in basic, advanced and advanced training in the public service since 1967 and was a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in North Rhine-Westphalia. Since 2005 he has been a lecturer at the Munich University of Applied Sciences in the master's degree in Social Work in Mental Health. Since 2011, he has been teaching the political science module in the social and cultural studies department at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences . On July 18, 2019, he was awarded an honorary professorship in the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies at the University of Düsseldorf.

On 27 November 2008 he was on Rehabilitation Science Institute of the Humboldt University of Berlin Dr. phil. with the work of coordination and cooperation, and the convergence of rehabilitation services using the example of the statutory health insurance obligation of the social security institutions - - expectations and reality networking and integration in health care using the example of medical rehabilitation doctorate .

Harry Fuchs is a member of the Committee for Age and Care of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, and volunteers in various associations, including a. on the main board of the German Association for Rehabilitation ( DVfR ), honorary member of the Federal Association of Skull and Brain Patients in Need


In the rehabilitation landscape of Germany, Harry Fuchs is known and recognized as an advocate of a social system that is consistently geared towards promoting self-determination and equal participation of disabled people. As an independent expert, Harry Fuchs has been advising on the preparation of legislative projects since 1996. He was significantly involved in the development and further development of the Ninth Book of the Social Code (SGB IX) and long-term care insurance (SGB XI). He is also currently speaking out with concrete proposals for solutions to the Federal Participation Act . Based on broad professional experience, including through activities in the pension insurance and various social services at the state level, and a precise analysis of legal reality, he has taken a critical position on almost all questions of health, care and rehabilitation over the past decades and thus influenced legislation and the application of the law . With his publications, statements and contributions to discussions on panels and at events, Harry Fuchs makes it clear that self-determination and equal participation of people with health impairments and disabilities are the central goals of all social benefits. He often polarizes by taking a clear position and presenting an interpretation of the law that differs from the understanding of some responsible persons. He puts the reform will of the federal government codified in SGB IX in the foreground, which has received new impetus through the ratification of the UN Disability Rights Convention ( UN-CRPD ), and not the intrinsic logic of the respective social benefit areas. For Harry Fuchs, transparency and discourse are necessary prerequisites for changes in the social security system, and in this sense he is in constant and targeted exchange with other actors (excerpt from the DVfR's appreciation on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 2015).


The German Association for Rehabilitation awarded Harry Fuchs the Kurt Alphons Jochheim Medal on May 18, 2017 for his extraordinary commitment to the self-determination and participation of disabled people in Germany. He has been the recipient of the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon since October 2, 2000, and of the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class since August 28, 2017, as well as the German Red Cross.


  • Karl Jung, Horst Cramer fortg. by Harry Fuchs, Stephan Hirsch, Hans-Günther Ritz: SGB ​​IX - Commentary on the law of severely disabled people - with explanations on the AGG and BGG. Verlag Franz Vahlen, Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-8006-2953-4 .
  • Networking and integration in health care using the example of medical rehabilitation. Dissertation, Asgard-Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2008, ISBN 978-3-537-76300-6 .
  • Health reform 2007 and disability law. Asgard-Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2008, ISBN 978-3-537-76302-0 .
  • Prevention and medical rehabilitation in children and adolescents by the pension and health insurance providers in: Writings from the Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Volume 1/2004, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2004, ISBN 978-3-8322-2790-6 .
  • Harry Fuchs, Herbert Weisbrod-Frey, Gabriele Feld-Fritz: Cornerstones for the design of home law: an orientation and argumentation aid for statements by ver.di in the legislative processes of the federal states on home law. Ver.di Berlin, 2007.
  • Vjenka Garms-Homolová, Ernst von Kardorff, Katrin Theiss, Alexander Meschnig, Harry Fuchs (eds.): Participation and self-determination of people in need of care. Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, Munich, 8th revised edition 2014, ISBN 978-3-423-05755-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Munich University of Applied Sciences - Faculty of Applied Social Sciences - Master Mental Health - Who we are - Lecturers. In: sw.hm.edu. Retrieved March 21, 2017 .
  2. Harry Fuchs. In: soz-kult.hs-duesseldorf.de. March 6, 2015, accessed March 21, 2017 .
  3. Honorary Professorship Dr. Harry Fox. Retrieved July 29, 2019 .
  4. Networking and integration in the health care system using the example of medical rehabilitation: Obligation of the social insurance institutions to coordinate and cooperate as well as the convergence of rehabilitation services using the example of statutory health insurance; Claim and Reality. In: German Digital Library. Retrieved March 21, 2017 .
  5. Dr. Harry Fuchs is 70 years old. In: KONTUREN online. April 2, 2015, accessed March 21, 2017 .
  6. Award by the DVfR: Dr. Harry Fuchs receives the 2017 Kurt Alphons Jochheim Medal . May 9, 2017 ( dvfr.de [accessed June 6, 2017]).
  7. Felix Welti: Laudation on the award of the Kurt Alphons Jochheim Medal to Dr. Harry Fox. Retrieved May 12, 2017 .
  8. German Association for Rehabilitation: Participation and rehabilitation are social tasks and challenges. Dr. Harry Fuchs - the champion of modern participation rights in Germany - is 70 years old. In: dvfr.de. April 2, 2015, accessed March 21, 2017 .