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Ostfalen around the year 1000
Ostfalen around the year 1000

The Harzgau even Hartingau was a medieval Gaugrafschaft in resin , which includes the city of Halberstadt in the northeast part.

Counts in the Harzgau were:

  • Friedrich I., Count in the Harzgau 875/880
  • Friedrich II., Count in Harzgau in 937 and 945, son of Friedrich I.
  • Volkmar I. , Count in the Harzgau († before 961), probably son of Friedrich II.
  • Friedrich III., Count in Harzgau, son of Volkmars I.
  • Volkmar II. († 1015), Count in the Harzgau, brother or son of Friedrich III.
  • Thietmar, Count in Harzgau and Northern Thuringia, † October 3, 959
  • Friedrich († July 1002/15 March 1003), 995 to 996 Count Palatine in Saxony, Count in Harzgau and Northern Thuringia
  • Liutger, 1013 Graf, 1021 Graf im Harzgau, attested from 1013 to 1031 ( Supplinburger )
  • Bernhard († before 1069), 1052 count in the Harzgau and Derlingau as well as in northern Thuringia , attested from 1043 to 1062, probably Liutger's grandson
  • Gebhard von Süpplingenburg († June 9, 1075 in the Battle of Homburg an der Unstrut ), 1052 Count in the Harzgau, son of Bernhard

During the Middle Ages, the Counts of Regenstein prevailed in this area.

Individual evidence

  1. Harzgau . In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 8 . Altenburg 1859, p. 74 ( zeno.org ).
  2. Jan Habermann: The Counts of Wernigerode. Rulership profile, sphere of activity and closeness to the king of noble potentates in the northern Harz in the late Middle Ages . Norderstedt 2008, p. 11