Hasso von Wedel-Schivelbein

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Hasso von Wedel-Schivelbein (Hasso the Old; † 1352/54) was a Vogt of Neumark .

Hasso von Wedel was a son of the Pomeranian court marshal Wedego von Wedel , whom he followed in 1324 as owner of the Schivelbein rule. Thirty years later he was inherited in this position by his then underage son Hans von Schivelbein .

Schivelbein Castle

As city lord of Schivelbein , he developed extensive construction activities. He expanded the gates, built the Church of St. Mary in 1338, built the castle mill, raised the city wall and in this way ensured “order and peace at a time when feuds and robbery ruled everywhere”. The councils of the city, ruled by "amptesluden" in Hasso's absence, strived for independence, as elsewhere. In 1338 Hasso von Wedel admitted to the city council that a ban on the export of grain issued by his officials in his absence should only be valid with the consent of both sides, the council and the city lord.

Hasso von Wedel, named by Schultze "head of the Neumark nobility", was mentioned in 1327 and 1347 as Vogt of Neumark. In September 1345, he and Count Ulrich II von Lindow represented Margrave Ludwig in the Berlin state parliament. In the context of the dispute with the False Woldemar , for whom he apparently had temporary sympathy, he was co-owner of a district bailiwick in the north of the Neumark together with Hasso von Wedel-Polzin and the later court master Hasso von Wedel-Falkenburg .


  • Christian Gahlbeck: On the origin and composition of the Neumark nobility up to the middle of the 14th century. In: Klaus Neitmann (Hrsg.) Landlord, nobility and cities in the medieval and early modern Neumark. Berlin 2015, pp. 115–181.
  • Ludwig Kortlepel: Schivelbeiner history and stories. Schivelbein in 1925.
  • Ludwig Kortlepel: Six hundred and fifty years of Schivelbein town history. In: Heimatkreisausschluss Belgard-Schivelbein (ed.): The Belgard district. From the story of a Pomeranian home district. Celle 1989, pp. 151-159.
  • Edward Rymar : Historia polityczna i społeczna Nowej Marchii w średniowieczu (do roku 1535). , Gorzów Wlkp., 2015.
  • Johannes Schultze : The Mark Brandenburg. Second volume. The mark under the rule of the Wittelsbachers and Luxembourgers (1319–1415). Berlin 1961.
  • Heinrich von Wedel: Falkenburg Castle and the Brandenburg court master knight Hasso II of Wedel-Falkenburg. In: Calendar of the German Nobility Association. Berlin 1909, pp. 265-289.

Individual proof

  1. Ludwig Kortlepel: Schivelbeiner history and stories. P. 152.