Haunn Bluff

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Haunn Bluff
location Odbert Island ( Windmill Islands , East Antarctica )
Haunn Bluff (Antarctica)
Haunn Bluff
Coordinates 66 ° 23 ′  S , 110 ° 33 ′  E Coordinates: 66 ° 23 ′  S , 110 ° 33 ′  E

The Haunn Bluff is a steep rock cliff in the eastern section of the south coast of Odbert Iceland in the archipelago of the Windmill Islands off the coast of the East Antarctic Wilke country .

Aerial photographs of the US operation Highjump (1946–1947) and Operation Windmill (1947–1948) were used to map it. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1963 after Marvin George Haunn (* 1937), a meteorologist at Wilkes Station in 1962.

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