Main run

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Pre-carriage , main carriage and post carriage

The main run is a section of the transport and supply chain in freight transport , in which many individual shipments are grouped together by the shipping agent to form a groupage. The collection charge is a truck , a freight train , a barge, ship or cargo plane loaded and deconsolidator transported. The main run is carried out either by a third-party carrier or by the forwarding agent himself . The main leg begins when the truck leaves the shipping agent. While the pre- and post-carriage are usually carried out with smaller local transport and distribution vehicles, the main carriage is carried out with long-distance vehicles, which have a larger transport capacity.

In combined transport , too , the sequence of the transport chain is referred to as a main run. Here the pre-carriage to the source terminal takes place by truck, then the main leg from the source terminal to the destination terminal by rail vehicle, inland or ocean-going vessel, and then the on-carriage from the destination terminal to the recipient again by truck.