House Stade

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House Stade in 2014
The former moated castle from the north
Inscribed stone from 1631
Farm buildings
Former horse stable

Haus Stade or Haus Staade is a listed former moated castle in the Rösrath district of Hoffnungsthal.


Haus Stade, referred to as Haus Staade in historical documents, was built on the remains of the previous building from 1631 after a fire in 1842; the eastern bay and the farm building are from the 18th century. The former moated castle consists of a residential building and two-winged farm buildings to the south. The house is a 2-storey brick building with plastered eaves and a slated east gable. It has a half-hip roof. A 3-storey, slim tower with a flat tent roof is attached to the west gable. Above the entrance on the south side there is a coat of arms stone with an inscription dated 1631 with the coats of arms of Lohe, von Gevertzan, von Katterbach and von Bellinghausen. Next to it is a cast iron Taken plate with a Johanniterkreuz and an inscription dating 1626. A 2-storey, tall and slender structure with a gable roof adjoins the east gable, slightly to the south. It is plastered in a half-timbered construction. Its roof continues to the north over an extension as a monopitch roof. To the east, on a rounded, cantilevered base, there is a bay-like, single-storey extension with a slightly curved, slated hipped roof. A similar extension is located on the southern side of the eaves, but on all sides on a vertical plaster base and is much younger. Lattice windows are on all structures, z. T. provided with shutters. The farm buildings are single-storey half-timbered structures with saddle roofs.

Monument protection

Haus Stade was entered on April 3, 1984 as architectural monument No. 7 in the list of listed buildings of the city of Rösrath .


The "Haus Stade" is located on a meadow on the road to the Rösrath district of Lüghausen. Since the railway was built in 1909, it has been cut off from Hoffnungsthal by the mighty railway embankment with the station. The buildings were rebuilt on this site in 1842 after the previous building from 1642 burned down. Above the entrance on the south side, a coat of arms stone from 1631 reminds of the von Loë family, whose name is particularly associated with the former moated castle. In 1450, the von Loë family came into possession of this manor, which was first mentioned in documents in 1363 and was rich in possessions that extended to the fertile ridges of the Hope Valley mountains. Together with the gentlemen of the Venauen and Eulenbroich houses, it was Gerhard Wilhelm von Loë who contributed to the founding of the Rösrath Monastery in 1672: Since he and the families in Venauen and Eulenbroich had remained Catholic, they wanted "local pastoral care", because the Catholics belonged to the parish of Altenrath after the establishment of the Protestant community in Volberg and had to accept long distances through the Sülztal to the church in the Wahner Heide. But when Gerhard Wilhelm died and his final resting place was in Rösrath, his wife returned to the Protestant faith after her marriage to Adolf von Landsberg and was buried in Volberg, which prompted the children to support the Volberg Church from then on - a right typical example for the formerly strictly denominational community of Rösrath. The pews reserved for the family in the Volberg church still bear witness to this today.

After the First World War, Haus Stade had a completely new function as a horse stud and production facility for vaccination serum, run by a family from Hoffnungsthal. In this serum station, in which up to 100 horses were kept, a serum for the development of antibodies against diphtheria and tetanus was produced from 1918 to 1953. In 1939 the veterinarian and serologist Hans Weidlich bought Haus Stade from Marburg.

After the death of Hans Weidlich in 1953 and the abandonment of the serum station, Haus Stade was used privately. In 2008 the monument was bought and renovated by Netempire AG, a software company specializing in individual solutions.

Todays use

With the purchase of the monument, Netempire AG relocated its headquarters from Cologne to Hoffnungsthal. The 12 hectare facility of Haus Stade not only houses modern office workplaces, but also a wide range of social facilities with a fitness room, sand court for volleyball and beach soccer, archery range and a canteen. The entire location is now operated in a CO 2 -neutral manner and is carefully and sustainably operated. According to the oldest document, the company uses the historical spelling "Haus Staade."


Haus Stade was presented to the public as Monument of the Month in May 2014 . With the aim of bringing the concerns of monument protection and local historical research into the consciousness of the citizens, the monument of the month brings ten monuments or objects of monument worthiness of the town of Rösrath into the public eye. The selection of the monuments is made by a committee consisting of representatives of the city council, the city administration, the history association Rösrath and an expert citizen.

See also

Web links

Commons : Haus Stade  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d leaflet Monument of the Month No. 5, March 2014 , ed. from the history association Rösrath
  2. ^ Monument description in the list of monuments of the Lower Monument Authority; Rösrath
  3. a b c Kölner Stadtanzeiger of May 10, 2010, quoted in the archives of the Bergisches Geschichtsverein: A literally bloody past ; Accessed May 15, 2014
  4. Netempire AG: We are CO2-neutral ( Memento of the original from May 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Accessed May 15, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Netempire AG: Who we are ( Memento of the original from May 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Accessed May 15, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Kölner Rundschau: A manor on new paths ; Edition May 5, 2014
  7. City of Rösrath: Haus Stade, Rösrath Monument of the Month May 2014  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ; Accessed May 15, 2014@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  

Coordinates: 50 ° 54 '39.6 "  N , 7 ° 11' 53.3"  E