Rösrath Monastery

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View of the monastery around 1800
Parish Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentino
Augustinushaus Rösrath

The Rösrath monastery was an Augustinian hermit monastery in Rösrath . The preserved buildings are registered monuments of the city of Rösrath .


In 1672 the Archbishop of Cologne, Maximilian Heinrich von Bayern, confirmed the donation of the Rösrath Vitus Chapel to the Augustinian hermits in Cologne and commissioned them with the Catholic doctrine of Christians and the conversion of non-Catholics in Rösrath. In 1563 the Volberg parish became Protestant, while the nobles of the houses of Stade, Venauen and Eulenbroich remained Catholic. The Augustinians put the main focus of their work on local pastoral care, as the closest Catholic parish church was in Altenrath . The convent grew, and from 1677 a monastery building was built in Rösrath. The church was completed in 1708, a cemetery was laid out in 1798 and a school was set up in 1710.

On September 10, 1795, the monastery was attacked by French troops. The prior was murdered and probably the inventory of the church was damaged. The Enlightenment and the French Wars ultimately led to the decline of the monasteries in the region, which it was decided to abolish in the Duchy of Berg in 1803. Rösrath served for almost three decades as a central and extinction monastery for religious monasteries in the area and was closed with the death of the last Augustinian hermit Amadeus Rottländer on October 3, 1831. In 1832 King Friedrich Wilhelm III. the monastery from Prussian domain ownership to the Catholic parish.

Only in 1853 did Rösrath become an independent parish after the final solution from Altenrath: The monastery church became the parish church of St.  Nicholas of Tolentino , the adjacent convent building became the parsonage with apartment and administrative rooms, and the adjoining Augustinus house served as a parish until the 1950s School building for Rösrath. After the construction of the elementary school on Sandweg, the Augustinushaus became the parish hall and library. The monastery mill located below the monastery grounds in the Sülztal was sold and moved to the vicinity of Haus Eulenbroich at the end of the 20th century because it was in the way of a bypass road for Rösrath. Today the building houses a restaurant. Recently, the monastery grounds have been modernized towards the valley side: In spring 2014, the residential complex built by Kreissparkasse Köln, two apartment buildings with a total of 12 condominiums, was moved into and opened under the name "Klostergarten Rösrath".

Monument protection

Of the preserved buildings of the former Augustinian monastery, four objects are entered as architectural monuments in the list of listed buildings of the city of Rösrath :

  • Monument number 42: Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentino , grave crosses and wayside cross; registered on October 21, 1985.
  • Monument number 43: rectory; registered on October 21, 1985.
  • Monument number 44: Augustinushaus; registered on October 21, 1985.
  • Monument number 19: Klostermühle

Monument description

The church of St. Nikolaus von Tolentino is a plastered hall building with a gable facing the street with a three-sided choir closure, which is covered by a saddle roof. Due to dilapidation, the church was extensively renovated from 1903 to 1908 and partially removed to the base. The hall, which previously had a flat wooden barrel inside, was given a ribbed vault , which was supported on the outside by double-stepped buttresses between the round windows, while a round-arched portal of the monastery, marked 1684, was reused in the east wall. A sacristy was built on the south side, above it a gallery with a double arcade opened to the nave. Numerous elements of baroque interior fittings such as pulpit, organ, altars and statues are present.

The Catholic rectory is a 2-storey plastered building, at right angles to the north side of the church. The house has five window axes with lattice structure as well as door and windows with stone walls. There is an original wooden door with an ornamentally decorated skylight in the central axis.

The Augustinushaus is a two-storey plastered quarry stone house with a hipped roof and four dormers. There is a gable in the central axis . The windows are with plaster walls and in lattice division. Inside the building there are partly original Cologne ceilings with stucco ornaments.

The monastery mill is a two-wing half-timbered building, two-storey with a crooked hip roof, 4: 2 window axis and lattice windows with shutters.


The Rösrath Monastery was presented to the public in April 2014 as Monument of the Month .

See also


  • Waltraud Rexhaus: In God's name - The Augustinian hermits at Rösrath in: Writings of the history association Rösrath
  • Waltraud Rexhaus: The Liber Conventus - The monastery book of the Augustinian hermits in: Writings of the history association Rösrath
  • Helmut Wolff (ed.): Catholic parish church Rösrath - St. Nikolaus von Tolentino , Rösrath monuments 6, history association for the community of Rösrath and the surrounding area, Rösrath 1998, ISBN 3-922413-46-3
  • Barbara Wenig, Rösrather Geschichtspfade (Route 1, p. 79 ff.) In: "Schriften der Stadt Rösrath"
  • Eva Marie Ehrig and Michaela Rung-Kraus: St. Nikolaus von Tolentino in Rösrath - experience church - experience church space , Rösrath 2004
  • Theodor Rutt: Vitus Chapel in Rösrath , in: Rösrath in the course of history, Hope Valley 1970, pp. 121-139

Web links

Commons : Augustinian monastery Rösrath  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c leaflet Monument of the Month No. 6, April 2014 , ed. from the history association Rösrath
  2. a b c d e Lower monument authority of the city of Rösrath: List of monuments of the municipality of Rösrath ; accessed on April 9, 2014
  3. Kölner Stadtanzeiger: The Church of the Hermits , edition of April 2, 2014; Accessed April 9, 2014
  4. Kölnische Rundschau: Memories of the monastery ; Edition of April 4, 2014.


  1. In that year the stone floor was completed. The list of monuments therefore shows this year as the end of the construction period. Other sources name the erection of the ridge on September 3, 1703 as the end of the construction phase.
  2. Ten memorials or objects worth seeing in the city of Rösrath are presented to the public every year as monument of the month . The monuments are selected by a committee made up of representatives from the city council, the city administration, the Rösrath history association and an expert citizen.

Coordinates: 50 ° 55 '53 "  N , 7 ° 10' 45.5"  E