House for children

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Haus für Kinder is a day-care center where children from 0 to 12 years can be looked after. The restriction of an institution to one age group such as crèche (0–3 years), kindergarten (3–6 years) or after-school care center (6–12 years) is partially lifted. The house for children is an extension of the cooperation facilities, or Koops for short, in which crèche and kindergarten children are looked after. In a children's house, the children usually go through three different groups. After the manger of kindergarten follows and after school entry can Hort be visited.

In the municipal operation of the City of Munich , “House for Children” refers to day-care centers in which crèche and kindergarten (i.e. the age group 0–6 years) or kindergarten and after-school care (4–10 years) are housed under one roof.

The advantage of the facility concept is that it makes it easier for children and parents to transition between the individual forms of care. The day care center and the line remain the same and the kids know the new teacher or the new governess of their future group already. Relationships with children and educators can also be maintained across group boundaries.

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