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Herrgottswinkel in a farmhouse parlor

The Herrgottswinkel , also known in the region as the “ Holy Back Corner ”, is a place in Christian apartments or houses decorated with a crucifix . It is often in a corner of the room ("angle") opposite the stove.

It is customary to equip it with a statue of the Virgin Mary , with images of saints or icons and to decorate it with lace doilies , the palm branch , with lilies of the valley in May, with a bouquet consecrated from the herb consecration for the Assumption of Mary or with other flowers. Consecrated candles or the weather candle are also set up there and lit in front of the crucifix on certain occasions or when praying together. Sometimes the Herrgottswinkel also serves as a storage place for the rosary , the Bible or the hymn book . The rosary is sometimes hung over the crucifix or images of the Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in such a way that it forms the outline of a heart.

In Europe, the Herrgottswinkel spread in Catholic houses since the 16th century, a counterpart - there usually a wall board with one or more icons - there is also in Orthodox regions. You can often find Herrgottswinkel in inns in southern Germany and Austria. The Herrgottswinkel is typically set up where it can be seen when entering the room and from the table in the room.

In Protestant countries there is often a board with the Bible and edification writings on it.

Traditionally, the family sits down on the bench under the Herrgottswinkel during domestic devotions. It is also the place to keep the dead . In taverns, the Herrgottswinkel (Herrgottswinkel), comparable to representations of the Eye of God in such places, served to remind guests to hold back in word and deed.

Literature and Sources

  • Walter Hartinger: Herrgottswinkel, “St. Back corner " . In: Walter Kasper (Ed.): Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3. Edition. tape 5 . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 1996, Sp. 21 .
  • Gustav Ränk : The sacred back corner in the domestic cult of the peoples of Northeast Europe and North Asia. Helsinki 1949 (= Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia No. 137)

Web links

Commons : Herrgottswinkel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Herrgottswinkel  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

See also