Havva Engin

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Havva Engin (* 1968 in Turkey ) is a German linguist and educationalist and expert on migration and educational policy .

Havva Engin (2019)


In 1974 Engin came to Germany as the six-year-old daughter of a Turkish migrant worker.

After completing her German studies at the Technical University of Berlin in 1998 , she was a research assistant at the Institute for Educational Science from 2000 to 2005 and also a lecturer in the course "German as a Second Language and Intercultural Education at the Berlin Elementary School" until the year of her doctorate (2003). After completing her academic work at the Institute for Intercultural Education at the Technical University of Berlin, she was junior professor for language promotion at the Institute for German Language and Literature at the Karlsruhe University of Education until the end of 2008. In February 2009 she was offered the professorship for elementary education, with a focus on child language development under migration conditions at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences . In April 2010 she switched to the professorship for general pedagogy with a focus on intercultural pedagogy at the Heidelberg University of Education. There she heads the Heidelberg Center for Migration Research and Transcultural Education (Hei-MaT). She designed the extra-occupational contact course (courses without an academic degree) "Migration and Flucht", which was launched in 2016.

Havva Engin was a member of the Berlin State Advisory Council for Migration and Integration between 2003 and 2005 and was a participant in the first German integration summit in 2006 . In addition, it was twice a member of the Federal Assembly : in 1994, for which the SPD set up, and in 2009, where it was nominated by Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen in Baden-Württemberg. Since January 2013 Havva Engin has been a member of the Advisory Board of the Office for Matters for Turks Living Abroad (Yurtdışı Türkler ve Akraba Topluluklar Başkanlığı).

Havva Engin is a member of the New Education working group and the Multilingualism Network . She is involved in the Christian-Muslim-Jewish discourse and was a member of the " Muslim Academy in Germany " association, which has been inactive since 2010 . She is a member of the Center for Intercultural Communication (ZiKK) . Engin is a member of the specialist commission on the framework conditions for integration capability, which will be working in 2019 and 2020 and appointed by the federal government .

honors and awards

For her work on intercultural education in the context of cultural and religious heterogeneity as well as language acquisition under the conditions of migration and multilingualism, Havva Engin was awarded the German-Turkish Friendship Prize in the field of education by the German-Turkish Friendship Federation (DTF) in 2012.

In November 2013 Havva Engin was awarded the Medal for Services to Transculturality in Baden-Württemberg by the Society for Dialogue Baden-Württemberg .

Publications (selection)

  • “No institutional change in schools?” Educational policy reactions to migration to the State of Berlin between 1990 and 2000 as reflected in official and administrative decrees, Frankfurt am Main 2003.
  • Children learn German as a second language. With Eva Müller-Boehm; Ulrich Steinmüller; Friederike T.-Mermeroglu. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, 2004.
  • "Beacons of education: portraits of successful intercultural educational work at Berlin day-care centers and elementary schools in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods" (with Sven Walter ), Berlin 2005.
  • “Hello, dear mouse !, Merhaba, sevgili Fare!” Strongly speaking two languages ​​- Iki dilde güclü. With Birgitta Redding Korn; Beate White. Hückelhoven: Anadolu Verlag, 2010.
  • Edited with Ismail Engin: Alevilik (Das Alewitentum). Istanbul, 2004.
  • Edited with Ralph Olsen: Interculturality and multilingualism. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag, 2009.
  • Edited with Michael Reder: Change through dialogue: Social, political and theological aspects of the dialogue between Islam and Christianity. Series: Interreligious Dialogue in Social Responsibility. Edited by Heiner Köster on behalf of the Eugen Biser Foundation. Stuttgart 2014.
  • Edited with Mathias Rohe; Muhanad Khorchide; Ömer Özsoy; Hansjörg Schmid: Handbook of Christianity and Islam in Germany. Basics, experiences and perspectives of living together. On behalf of the Eugen Biser Foundation. Freiburg 2014. 2 volumes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.ph-heidelberg.de/hei-mat/home.html
  2. ^ Center for intercultural communication at the University for Jewish Studies in Heidelberg opened on February 3, 2010
  3. Understanding minority meets majority How the Center for Intercultural Communication wants to support the Jewish-Islamic dialogue , by Alfred Bodenheimer, Jüdische Allgemeine September 24, 2009
  4. http://www.dtf.com/index.php/kybele-2012