Hector Boece

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Hector Boece

Hector Boece (Hector Boetius - Boethios - Boethius) (* 1465 in Dundee , Scotland , † 1536 ) was a Scottish scholar and historian .


Boece studied and worked in Paris a . a. In addition to George Lokert (approx. 1485 to 1457), Robert Galbraight (approx. 1483 to 1544) and William Manderston (approx. 1485 to 1552), he was assigned to the circle around John Major . He met these people in Paris and like them returned to Scotland to take on important positions in society and education. Boece was one of the founders of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and later King's College.

He wrote the history of Scotland, which appeared in 17 books in 1527. Shakespeare also used his history books as a template for translation. In the Universal World History of the Spanish monk Juan de Pineda (monarchia ecclesiastica o historia universal del mundo) in the edition of 1606, Hector Boethios is referred to as a historian several times. In this world history, in the 27th book, chapter XVII, Juan de Pineda reports that Boetius fixes the birth of Jesus Christ in the 10th year of reign of the Scottish king Metelano. Juan de Pineda regards this as an error, since according to this calculation Jesus was born seven years before the Christian-Catholic calculation.



  • Catholic Encyclopedia - www.newadvent.org
  • Nouveaux dictionnaire historique portatif 1771
  • Monarquia ecclesiastica o historia universal del mundo - Juan de Pineda 1606

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Alexander Broadie: Scottish Philosophers in France: The Earlier Years . (PDF) In: Cairns Craig, Michael Brown, Rosalyn Trigger: Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies ; AHRC Center for Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen, 2008, ISSN  1753-2396 .