Stitching chain

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Binding chain on a tension embroidery at the end of a line of a trellis in viticulture

A stitching chain is a chain with several links made of galvanized half-open wire rings. She will u. a. in viticulture at the end of a line of a trellis at the end of the stitching wire attached to a square nail that is hammered into a clamping stick .

The wire can simply be shortened using the stitching chain if it has lengthened or stretched due to the tension in the trellis. The stitching chain is only to be used in conjunction with a turnbuckle that is used to actually tension the stitching wire.

The stitching chain should be unhooked in the spring and the stitching wire shortened by hanging the next link facing the center of the trellis back into the nail. When the shoots , leaves and grapes of the grapevine are formed, tension via the stitching chain alone is no longer possible, since the tensile forces on the stitching wire are too great. An adjustment can then only take place via the turnbuckle.