Hegar pen

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Set of different hegar pens

A Hegar pen is a slightly curved rod made of stainless steel with a round cross-section, a defined diameter and a conical tip. The diameter of Hegar pens is up to 26 mm, smaller diameters are available in increments of 0.5 mm or 1 mm.


Use in obstetrics and pediatric surgery

In obstetrics , Hegar pins are used to gently and quickly expand (dilate) the cervical canal ( Canalis cervicis uteri ).

In pediatric surgery , the rods are used on children with operated on anal atresia . Shrinkage in the area of ​​the scar and thus the development of a stenosis should be avoided. About two weeks after the new anus has been created , it is carefully calibrated using Hegar pens of increasing size. This is then repeated daily and the size is then increased weekly up to a predetermined target size. After the target size has been reached, the treatment is continued for some time.

Treatment of sexual dysfunction

Hegar pencils, from: A. Hegar, R. Kaltenbach: Die Operative Gynäkologie . Enke, Erlangen 1881.

As a therapeutic method, the Hegar pen training is part of a vaginismus therapy. In order to achieve systematic desensitization , women insert Hegar pens of different sizes into the vagina in a controlled manner , while relaxation techniques are used.


The gynecologist Alfred Hegar (1830–1914) introduced the dilators later named after him in 1879. At that time they were mainly made of glass and hard rubber, today they are made exclusively of stainless steel.

The Hegar pens have now almost completely replaced their predecessors, the laminaria pens made from fingertang .

Individual evidence

  1. G. Kockott, E.-M. Fahrner: Hegarstift training. In: Michael Linden, Martin Hautzinger: Behavioral Therapy Manual . Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2005. ISBN 978-3-540-40678-5 .
  2. M Tschoudowski: De la dilatation du canal cervical (d'après Hegar). (1879) Arch Tocol 6: 737-755.
  3. ^ Description in the "Medical History Museum" on kugener.com .