Heindirk tom Dieck

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Heindirk tom Dieck (born October 17, 1939 in Berlin ) is a German chemist.

life and work

He studied chemistry in Munich and received his doctorate in 1966 on "Metal (0) compounds with non-aromatic nitrogen π systems". In 1971, tom Dieck completed his habilitation with “Complex chemistry of four-center π systems” in Frankfurt am Main , where he became professor in 1972. From 1977 to 1991 he was Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Hamburg . From 1975 to 1981 he was co-author of the ZDF television series of the chemistry study program and the accompanying books "Introduction to Chemistry". From 1991 to 2002 tom Dieck was managing director of the Society of German Chemists (GDCh) in Frankfurt / M.


  • Alexander von Humboldt Prize from the French Minister of Research (1985)
  • Honorary doctorate from the University of Rennes I (1993)
  • Honorary member of the Czech and Slovak Chemical Societies (2002)
  • Honorary member of the GDCh (2004).


Heindirk tom Dieck is a grandson of Max tom Dieck and a younger brother of Tammo tom Dieck .

See also

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