Heinrich Bastian

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Heinrich Bastian (born May 31, 1875 in Fronhausen , † September 22, 1967 in Odenhausen (Lahn) ) was a German homeland poet.


He lost his father at the age of three. As a result, he had to support his mother at an early age. This is how he thought up his first poems while shepherding goose.

Heinrich Bastian learned to be a plumber in Giessen, then went on a hike and worked in Düren, Braunschweig, Uelzen, Gifhorn, Hamburg, Bremen and Frankfurt. In 1899 he came to the municipal gas and water works in Gießen, became foreman in 1924 and remained there in this position until he retired at the age of 69 in 1944.

In 1902 he married Helene Becker from Odenhausen (Lahn) . There he settled down and lived there until his death. The couple had three children. In 1967 he died at the old age of 92.

A street in the "Im Gewenn" development area in his home village of Fronhausen was named after him in 2004.


  • Poems in Upper Hessian dialect. University book dr. JA Koch, Marburg 1921.
  • Everything for my Hesselaad. Hitzeroth-Verlag, Marburg 1988. ISBN 3-925944-43-5 .

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Individual evidence

  1. see Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (HStAMR), Best. 915 No. 3148, p. 37 ( digitized version ).