Joachim Westphal

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Joachim Westphal, copper engraving by Jonas Haas (1748)

Joachim Westphal (* 1510 in Hamburg ; † January 16, 1574 ibid) was a Lutheran theologian and reformer.


Born the son of a poor carpenter, Westphal was able to attend the Nikolaischule in his hometown and later the monastery school in Lüneburg with the help of wealthy neighbors. After receiving a scholarship from his hometown, he studied at the University of Wittenberg with Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon from 1529 . On the recommendation of Melanchthon he became a teacher at the Johanneum after he had acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in the seven liberal arts on January 30, 1532 . Westphal returned to Wittenberg after two years as vice rector of the institution to continue his studies, where he was also one of Luther's table companions. When the plague broke out in 1535, he left Wittenberg to attend other universities.

On his study trip he visited the universities in Erfurt , Heidelberg , Strasbourg and Tübingen . He had even been offered a professorship in theology at the University of Rostock , but he succeeded Stephan Kempe as pastor at the Katharinenkirche in his hometown . On April 19, 1541 he was introduced to his office by Superintendent Johannes Aepinus . Although he had been in charge of Paul von Eitzen's business since 1562 , he was only appointed as Superintendent of Hamburg at the Hamburg Cathedral in 1571 after his final departure from Hamburg . At the end of 1573 the Lutheran controversial theologians suffered a serious illness from which he passed away at the age of 64.


Westphal emerged as a Gnesiolutheran during his theological activity, especially since the Augsburg Interim . The Hamburg reports against the interim and Andreas Osiander were co-authored by him. He fought against the Leipzig Articles and Georg Major , renewed the Last Supper dispute against Johannes Calvin and Théodore de Bèze from 1552 and expelled Johannes á Lasco from Hamburg , who was with his refugee community on the German coast .

Works (in selection)

  • Farrago confusanearum et inter se dissidentium opinionum De Coena Domini, ex Sacramentarioru [m] libris congesta , Magdeburg, Rödinger, 1552.
  • Recta fides de coena Domini, ex verbis apostoli Pauli et evangelistarum demonstrata ac communita , [Magdeburg 1553].
  • Collection of letters from the Hamburg superintendent Joachim Westphal from the years 1530 to 1575 , edited. u. ext. v. CHW Sillem, 2 vols., Hamburg 1903.


  • Kenneth Appold:  Westphal, Joachim . In: Religion Past and Present (RGG). 4th edition. Volume 8, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 2005, Sp. 1500.
  • Irene Dingel:  Westphal, Joachim . In: Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE). Volume 35, de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2003, ISBN 3-11-017781-1 , pp. 712-715.
  • Gustav Kawerau:  Westphal, Joachim . In: Realencyklopadie for Protestant Theology and Church (RE). 3. Edition. Volume 21, Hinrichs, Leipzig 1908, pp. 185-189.
  • L. u .:  Westphal, Joachim (theologian) . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 42, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1897, pp. 198-201.
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : Gelehrtenlexikon, Vol. 4, Sp. 1914–1918.
  • Wolfgang Klose: The Wittenberg Scholar's Studbook: the studbook of Abraham Ulrich (1549-1577) and David Ulrich (1580-1623). Hall: Mitteldt. Verl., 1999, ISBN 3-932776-76-3 .
  • Joseph N. Tylenda: Calvin and Westphal , in: Wilhelm H. Neuser (ed.): Calvin's books: Festschrift dedicated to Peter DeKlerk on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Herrenveen 1997.
  • Herwarth von Schade: The correspondence between Joachim Westphal, Peter Braubach and Hartmann Beyer. Wittig-Verlag, 1981.
  • Joseph N. Tylenda: The Calvin Westphal Exchange. The Genesis of Calvin's Treatises Against Westphal , in: Calvin Theological Journal 9, 1974, pp. 182-209.
  • Richard Kruske: Johannes a Lasco and the Sacrament Controversy . a contribution to the history of the Reformation , Leipzig 1901, reprint Aalen 1972 (studies on the history of theology and the church 7.1).

Web links

Commons : Joachim Westphal  - Collection of images, videos and audio files