Heinrich Christian Jung

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Heinrich Christian Jung (* 1896 in Steinhagen (Westphalia) , † 1959 ibid) is the founder of Jung Pumpen GmbH and was an honorary citizen of the Steinhagen community.


On September 1, 1924, Jung acquired a 7000 m² piece of land for 3500 Reichsmarks and built a small workshop on it. He began with the construction of a hand-operated slurry pump, which he patented shortly after completion and which he manufactured in small series. The peculiarity of the so-called "Jung-Pump" was that it was completely maintenance-free compared to the previous pumps and is still used in smaller companies to this day. The patent was continuously improved in the course of the following decades and used by larger manufacturers such as B. Bosch . With the income, Heinrich Christian Jung was able to expand his company and concentrate on other types of pumps, so that he led the small Westphalian company to become the world market leader in the pump industry.

The town of Steinhagen made Heinrich Cristian Jung an honorary citizen in 1948 because of his services to the town. Until his death in 1959 he lived with his wife on the factory premises, the Jung Pumpen factory. The villa was later extensively renovated and converted into a pump museum and training center for SHK operation.

His company was later taken over by the Pentair concern , but continued under its previous name.

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