Heinrich Hamm (theologian)

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Heinrich Hamm SAC (born June 19, 1931 in Limburg an der Lahn ) is a German Catholic theologian .


After completing his doctorate in Freiburg im Breisgau, securing jobs as a socio-ethical requirement for industrial society. The social concern and its economic conditionality In 1975 he became professor for Christian social studies at the PTH Vallendar .

Works (selection)

  • John XXIII .. In memory of a Pope . Martin-Verlag Berger, Buxheim 1973, OCLC 74143356
  • The message. Small readings and reflections from the New Testament . Lahn-Verlag, Limburg 1973, ISBN 3-7840-3020-3 .
  • Maria. Maid of the spirit. 5 reflections on Mary from the New Testament . Martin-Verlag Berger, Buxheim 1974, OCLC 74183656
  • Marian Word Services. In the spirit of the Second Vatican Council . Lahn-Verlag, Limburg 1975, ISBN 3-7840-3029-7 .
  • Vincent Pallotti and the Catholic Apostolate . Ars Sacra, Munich 1976, ISBN 3-7607-4162-2 .
  • Work, ethics, human rights. Securing jobs as a socio-ethical requirement (= developing world. Analyzes and aspects for the orientation of Christians. Volume 23). Lahn-Verlag, Limburg 1976, ISBN 3-7840-0129-7 .
  • Christian social teaching in business enterprises. Social competence . Paulinus, Trier 2000, ISBN 3-7902-0088-3 .
  • Who fills heaven and earth. The god "I am" . Johannes-Verlag, Leutesdorf 2001, ISBN 3-7794-1454-6 .
  • Justice or love? Social motivation in Christian social proclamation . Paulinus, Trier 2002, ISBN 3-7902-0144-8 .
  • Faithfulness. The church is not an association . Pallotti-Verlag, Friedberg 2003, ISBN 3-87614-066-8 .
  • Individual and social being. The image of man in the light of philosophy and Christian preaching . EOS-Verlag, Sankt Ottilien 2006, ISBN 3-8306-7246-2 .
  • Mary in the mystery of the Church. The queen of the apostles . EOS-Verlag, Sankt Ottilien 2011, ISBN 978-3-8306-7519-8 .