Heinrich Kepner

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Heinrich Kepner (from: House book of the Landauer Twelve Brothers Organization , Nuremberg after 1426)

Heinrich Kepner (* in the 15th century ; † August 6, 1543 in Nuremberg ), also Hainrich Keppner, was a German bookbinder , book and paper dealer.

He died as an inmate of the poor house of the Landauer Twelve Brothers House Foundation . In the house book of the Nuremberg Twelve Brothers Foundation Amb. 279.2 ° Folio 31 verso there is a depiction of the bookseller Heinrich Kepner, who is standing in a brick room and packing books into a large barrel that serves as a transport container, with the following inscription: “Hainrich Kepner a book furer died on August 6th in 43 has been 7 years in this brother house "


  • Heinrich Grimm: The bookkeepers of the German cultural sector and their places of establishment in the period from 1490 to around 1500 . In: Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 7, 1966, Sp. 430–437 (not evaluated).
  • Peter Zahn: The final account of the printing of the Schedelschen Weltchronik (1493) from June 22, 1509. Text and analysis . In: Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 1991, pp. 177–213, especially p. 194 (not evaluated).
  • Manfred H. Grieb (Hrsg.): Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon . Visual artists, artisans, scholars, collectors, cultural workers and patrons from the 12th to the middle of the 20th century. KG Saur, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-11-091296-8 , p. 766 ( Google Books ).

Individual evidence

  1. Text on the house book page