Heinrich Lohstöter

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Heinrich Lohstöter (* around 1800 in Celle ; † August 26, 1830 there ) was a royal Hanover organ and instrument builder .


Heinrich Lohstöter was a son of the organist and instrument maker Johann Friedrich Ludwig Lohstöter from Steierberg in the county of Hoya and was born in Celle in 1800 during the Electorate of Hanover .

As a child at the age of 13 Heinrich Lohstöter had already developed a notable skill in instrument making and built various flutes and clarinets , which "were very much appreciated by connoisseurs of their beautiful tone and their clean work." As a teenager, Lohstöter devoted himself in particular to organ building was able to repair organs for various parishes at the age of 17.

After his apprenticeship as an organ builder, Lohstöter went on a hike and perfected his skills in the most famous organ building workshops of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

He then established himself as a young man, but only a few years before his untimely death, as a master craftsman in Celle. One of his students there was the later organ and instrument builder Ferdinand Scheller from Celle .

Lohstöter created several organs in his Celle workshop , which were installed in his hometown of Celle and in the area around Hanover and which were counted "in every respect among the more excellent" instruments among the pipe structures.

Heinrich Lohstöter died on 26 August 1830 at the age of about 30 years of life in Celle on the emaciation .

Archival material

Archival material by and about Heinrich Lohstöter can be found, for example

  • as a drawing made by Lohstöters in 1827 with the title Architectural drawings of the organ in the Neuenhauser Church in Celle , in the Lower Saxony State Archive (Hanover location) , archive signature NLA HA map collection No. 33 c Celle 113 pm (old archive signature: Hann. 83 II No. 8132 )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e Gustav Schilling (Red.): Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences, or Universal Lexicon of Tonkunst. Vol. 4. Verlag von Franz Heinrich Köhler, Stuttgart 1837, p. 441. Preview of Google books
  2. a b c d Gustav Schilling (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences, or Universal Lexicon of Tonkunst. Supplement tape. Verlag von Franz Heinrich Köhler, Stuttgart 1842, p. 281. Preview of Google books.
  3. Uwe Pape : The organs of the city of Celle (= North German organs , vol. 13) (= publication of the Society of Organ Friends , vol. 178). Pape, Berlin 2000, ISBN 978-3-921140-55-0 and ISBN 3-921140-55-2 , passim ; Preview over google books.
  4. ^ Gustav Schilling (Red.): Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences, or Universal Lexicon of Tonkunst. New edition, Vol. 4, Verlag von Franz Heinrich Koehler, Stuttgart 1840, p. 441. Preview of Google books.
  5. Compare the information in the Lower Saxony archive information system Arcinsys Lower Saxony