Heinrich Reimitz

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Heinrich Reimitz

Heinrich Reimitz (born January 30, 1904 , † April 4, 1945 ) was an Austrian sports official and politician .

Graphic by Heinrich Reimitz, made by Helmut Kies


Reimitz's socio-political involvement began early on with his membership in the Christian-German Gymnastics Association of Austria (CDTÖ), in which he was initially an association youth gymnastics warden and later general secretary. After all the associations in Austria were reorganized as an umbrella organization under the Fatherland Front , he was appointed General Secretary of the Austrian Young People in November 1936 . Reimitz was Federal Dietwart and organized the association gymnastics festivals of the Christian gymnastics movement. These rallies were seen as signposts "for professional and intellectual development". Reimitz was responsible for the “massive stadium games” in Vienna.

In 1936 he took part in the Summer Olympics in Berlin as the head of the Austrian Olympic Committee . With the annexation of Austria to the Third Reich Heinrich Reimitz was arrested in 1938 in the concentration camp Dachau interned and later a pioneer - Strafkompanie drafted. He took part in the Russian campaign of the Wehrmacht and probably fell while transporting troops across the Danube in 1945, shortly before the end of the war. At the instigation of his wife Hilda Magdalena Reimitz, an official investigation was initiated in 1949 to clarify the circumstances of his death. The investigation came to the result that Heinrich Reimitz had actually died during the said troop transport on April 4, 1945. He left a wife and three sons.


  • The youth leader. 1937.
  • Federal youth leadership of the Austrian young people: Boys of the front 1938. Vienna: Federal youth leadership of the Austrian young people Heinrich Reimitz 1937, 176 pages.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franz X. Rohrhofer: Fronts and Breaks 1933–1938: Ständestaat and Catholic Church. Wagner, 2007, p. 191, ISBN 3-902330-20-1 .
  2. ^ Thomas Pammer: VF-Werk: "Österreichisches Jungvolk". History and aspects of the state organization of youth in the Dollfuss-Schuschnigg regime 1933–1938. Diploma thesis, University of Vienna, 2011, pp. 43–44 (PDF; 1.1 MB).
  3. Harry Slapnicka : Church and Fatherland Front: Tensions, especially in the youth organization. In: New archive for the history of the Diocese of Linz. Volume 8, Issue 2, Linz 1993, pp. 124–127, online (PDF; 709 kB) in the forum OoeGeschichte.at.
  4. Alois Heinricher: The Christian-German gymnastics club in Lienz 1927 - 1938. (PDF; 450 kB) (No longer available online.) In: Osttiroler Heimatblätter. Volume 67, Numbers 3-4. 1999, pp. 1-5 , archived from the original on December 27, 2013 ; accessed on February 21, 2019 .
  5. Ludwig Stecewicz: Sport and dictatorship. Turia and Kant, 1996, p. 135.