Heinrich Wehberg

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Heinrich Wehberg (born September 26, 1855 in Volmarstein , † December 16, 1912 ) was a German doctor and soil reformer . His son was the international lawyer Hans Wehberg .


He studied medicine in Tübingen , Greifswald and Bonn and opened a practice in Düsseldorf in 1880. For several years he was the chief doctor of the Waldesheim sanatorium near Düsseldorf.

Wehberg was involved in social reform in the anti-alcohol movement and the land reform movement. In 1886 he was involved in founding the Land League. 1888–1890 he was chairman of the federal land tenure reform. As a land reformer, Wehberg advocated an expansion of state and communal property and a greater tax burden on landowners. He also called for measures against rising land prices to protect the small and medium-sized peasantry. Wehberg spoke out against militarism and the protective tariff policy of the German Reich.

He was opposed to the successor organization Bund Deutscher Bodenreformer . Because of theoretical differences with Michael Flürscheim and Adolf Damaschke , he withdrew from the movement.


  • Heinrich Wehberg (posthumously): Land reform in the light of humanistic socialism , Munich and Leipzig 1913.


  • Hans Wehberg: August Theodor Stamm and the beginnings of the German land reform movement , Bonn 1911.