Heinrich von Ebrantshausen

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Legend has it that the Blessed Heinrich von Ebrantshausen (* around 1120 in Regensburg ; † around 1185 near Ebrantshausen ) was one of the Counts of Riedenburg , who after many years of pilgrimage in quiet seclusion at Ebrantshausen eke out his life from the mild gifts of the people. After his death, his body was supposed to be transferred to the ancestral crypt by a team of oxen. But the team remained rigid in front of the church and did not take another step. The corpse was then laid to the grave at this point. Shortly afterwards a wooden chapel was built over his grave. Today the Heinrichskirch stands at this point.

Every year on the Sunday before Pentecost, Ebrantshausen celebrates its Heinrichsfest. On this occasion, pilgrims come to the Blessed, who has no place of worship anywhere except in the Heinrichskapelle .

Some pilgrimage customs withstood the centuries: For the Heinrichsfest there are, as before, the consecrated Heinrichszeltln (shaped breads) made of rye flour, ten-sized, cross-stamped holy bread that the farmers sprinkle under the fodder of the cattle and sometimes eat themselves, and the Heinrichsbildln, which the believers also eat To protect the animals, attach them to the stable door.


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