Heinrich von Heffter

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Heinrich von Heffter (born September 13, 1610 , † July 16, 1663 in Zittau ) was a German lawyer and mayor .


Heinrich von Heffter studied law in Jena , Wittenberg (from 1633) and Rostock (from 1635). He received his doctorate in 1636 in Greifswald . In his hometown of Zittau, he became Scabinus (Schöffe) in 1645, city judge in 1647, mayor in 1656, and in 1661 he was a counter-trader of the Upper Lusatia margraviate of Chursächs . He owned the manor in Oberullersdorf and Sommerau and was the owner of the beer farm number 382 in Budissinen-Gasse in Zittau. Heffter had the monastery church of St. Peter and Paul renewed in Zittau and the library building next to the church. By Emperor Ferdinand III. he was raised to the nobility in 1654 with his brother Christoph. Heffter married twice but had no children. He adopted his older brother's children as his heirs. The main legacy, u. a. the village of Ullersdorf, received his widow Anna Sophia, geb. Pretty, used. Winkler.


  • Schurz, Johannes: Consoling Tears Uber Des ... Mr. Heinrichs von Heffter ... Mayor in Zittaw unexpected / but blissful death /: Bey Christ-noble burial on the 22nd Hew month of the 1663th year Christ-hertglich shed / From his abandoned pastor in Ullersdorff Johannes Schurtzen. Zittau: Dehn, 1663, 2 sheets.
  • Lehmann, Michael Theophilus: Holy stapling and counter-stapling Like God the Lord in love: the human race in faith: attached to one another / From Johannis ...: As Des ... Herr Heinrich von Heffters / ... Mayor of Zittau Entseelter body ... in its rest Vault in the churches of S. Petri and Pauli IX. Sunday after Trinity was the 22nd day of the hay month of the 1663th year ... was delayed / Dargethan and carried out by M. Michaele-Theophilo Lehmann / ... Pastore Primario there. Zittau: Dehn, 1663, 30 sh.