Heating season

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In heating and air-conditioning technology, the heating period or heating time is the period in which the heating system must be put into operation in order to maintain the internal temperature . Reference is a limit value for the mean outside temperature , the heating limit , set at 15 ° C in Germany, 12 ° C in Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, and a guide value for the inside temperature, generally 20 ° C.

A legal regulation about the duration, beginning or end of a heating period is not anchored. It depends on the climate, geographic location, altitude and other factors and is different in every location.

The term heating season exists in several definitions:

  • Heating season:
    • the time span from the first to the last heating day of a winter season
    • a fixed period that is customary in the location, for example for south-west Germany a maximum of September 1 to May 31
  • a period in which the five-day average falls below the heating limit

Rental agreements regarding the heating period

Due to the lack of legal regulation, the heating time in Germany is stipulated in many rental contracts. In the event that there is no agreement in the rental agreement, German case law has set the heating period from October 1 to April 30 (Düsseldorf). The Austrian legal custom generally falls back on the concept of local custom .

During the heating season, a landlord must ensure that the tenant can heat his rented apartment to usually 20 to 22 ° C, and 18 ° C at night. However, the heating system must also be operated outside the heating season if the temperature in the apartment has fallen below 18 ° C for more than two days or immediately if it drops below 16 ° C.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Weather lexicon of the SWR
  2. LG Dusseldorf BlGBW 55, 31
  3. ^ AG Düsseldorf ZMR 56, 332
  4. guten-rat.de
  5. ^ LG Kassel WM 64, 71