Helen of Egypt

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The Battle of Alexander

Helen of Egypt , actually Helene ( ancient Greek Ἑλένη Helene ; .. 4th century BC ) was a painter of antiquity .

Helena was the daughter of Timon from Egypt . She was active as a painter after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Helena painted a scene depicting the victory of Alexander the Great over the Persian army of Darius III. shows in the battle of Issus . This painting should at times of Vespasian in the Temple of Peace in Rome have found.

According to Ptolemaios Chennos , the only ancient witness to the existence of Helena, whose work has only survived as an excerpt from Photios I , the painting of the Battle of Alexander was the only work attributed to her. An attempt has been made to see the model for the Alexander mosaic found in Pompei in the painting , but this attempt was vehemently rejected, especially since the testimony of Ptolemy Chennos is controversial. Herbert Marwitz pointed out that the discussion lacks any basis, and Bernard Andreae considers the painter to be an invention.

Helena of Egypt is one of the fictional participants in The Dinner Party , a monumental art installation by Judy Chicago . Her name is assigned to the Sappho table setting .


Judy Chicago dedicated one of the 999 tiles on the Heritage Floor to her in her installation The Dinner Party .


Individual evidence

  1. Jacob Burckhardt : Greek cultural history . 4th edition. tape 3 . Spemann, Berlin / Stuttgart, p. 37 , note 7 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - approx. 1908).
  2. ^ Ptolemaios Chennos: Kaine Historia 4 at Photios , Library 190 .
  3. ^ Sepp-Gustav Gröschel, Henning Wrede : Ernst Curtius' lecture "Greek Art History": According to Wilhelm Gurlitt's transcript in the winter of 1864/65 . Walter de Gruyter, 2011, ISBN 978-3-11-022879-3 ( books.google.com ).
  4. ^ Johannes Overbeck : Pompeii in its buildings, antiquities and works of art . 4th edition. Engelmann, Leipzig 1884, p. 616 f . ( archive.org ).
  5. ^ Ernst Pfuhl: Helene 7. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume VII, 2, Stuttgart 1912, Col. 2837.
  6. ^ Herbert Marwitz: Helene 3rd In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 2, Stuttgart 1967, column 991.
  7. Bernard Andreae: The Alexander mosaic from Pompeii. Bongers, Recklinghausen 1977, p. 25.
  8. ^ Brooklyn Museum: Helena. In: brooklynmuseum.org. Retrieved January 31, 2016 .