Helfried Schmidt

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Helfried Schmidt

Helfried Schmidt (* 1957 in Dornreichenbach ) is a German publisher . He founded the Grand Prix for medium-sized businesses , is the founder and founder of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation and editor-in-chief of PT magazine .


Schmidt studied in Leipzig graduate teachers for mathematics and physics , completed a research study at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Leipzig and received his doctorate in 1984. Dr. rer. nat. As a senior assistant, he worked in teaching and research in the field of mathematical psychology and methodology in the Department of Medical Psychology.


In 1994 he initially developed the SME competition “Grand Prize for SMEs” for the region around Leipzig, and in 1998 established the Oskar Patzelt Foundation. The competition has been advertised nationwide since 2002. Since 1996, Petra Tröger has been running the competition and the foundation together with Schmidt on the board. In autumn 2008 , Prime Minister Wolfgang Böhmer presented him with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for the achievements that both of them have achieved for medium-sized German companies in this competition .

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint of the PT magazine. Accessed July 3, 2017
  2. kress.de: kress heads Dr. Helfried Schmidt. Retrieved July 3, 2017
  3. 15 years of the Grand Prix of the Middle Class
  4. Award of the Federal Cross of Merit to Helfried Schmidt