Helga Molander

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Helga Molander by Suse Byk.jpg

Helga Molander (born March 19, 1893 in Königshütte , † July 27, 1985 in Esher ; born Ruth Werner , married Ruth Werner-Eysenck ) was a German actress .


She began her artistic career in 1918 at the Trianon Theater in Berlin. During the twenties she appeared in various silent films. She received leading roles in productions by the Berlin film producer Max Glass , who directed films such as The Man with the Iron Mask and Bob and Mary at the same time. However, the Jewish actress was forgotten even before the age of talkies.

In exile in France, she probably met Glass again and followed him to Brazil and the USA. In 1957 she married Max Glass, who had previously divorced his wife. Helga Molander is the mother of the psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck .



  • Kay Less : "In life, more is taken from you than given ...". Lexicon of filmmakers who emigrated from Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1945. A general overview. ACABUS Verlag, Hamburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-86282-049-8 , p. 595.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ England and Wales, National Estate Calendar, Glanville-Grourk, 1985, entry Ruth Glass / Ruth Werner. Source: ancestry.com
  2. Helga Molander in the Notable Names Database (English)