Helgi Hjörvar

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Helgi Hjörvar 2009

Helgi Hjörvar (born June 9, 1967 in Reykjavík ) is an Icelandic politician of the Social Democratic Alliance .

He studied philosophy at the University of Iceland . Helgi, who himself suffers from the eye disease retinitis pigmentosa , was director of the Icelandic Association of the Blind from 1994 to 1998.

Since 2003 he has been a member of the Icelandic parliament Althing , first for the constituency of Reykjavík-North , since 2013 for the constituency of Reykjavík-South . He has been a member of the Icelandic delegation in the Nordic Council since 2007 (chairman of the delegation from 2009 to 2013) and was President of the Nordic Council for 2010. Helgi Hjörvar was a member of rotating parliamentary committees, and since 2013 chairman of the Alliance in Althing. For the early parliamentary election on October 29, 2016 , he ran in the constituency of Reykjavík-Nord, in which Allianz was unable to win seats.

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Individual evidence

  1. Raflost gæti bætt framtíðarsýnina ( Icelandic ) In: visir.is . May 3, 2013. Retrieved September 15, 2014.
  2. Auglýsing landskjörstjórnar um framboð í Reykjavíkurkjördæmi norður við alþingiskosningar October 29, 2016 ( Icelandic ) Innanríkisráðuneytið (Icelandic Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved November 6, 2016.
  3. Brynjólfur Þór Guðmundsson: þessi taka á saeti thingi ( Icelandic ) In: ruv.is . October 30, 2016. Retrieved November 6, 2016.