Helmut Albrecht

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Helmut Albrecht (2020) Photo: Gerald Wesolowski

Helmut Albrecht (* 21st July 1952 in Vienna ) is an in Germany acting physician and psychotherapist Austrian origin. He specializes in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy on the basis of an organic-somatic and psychological approach to understanding in diagnostics and therapy. An example of this is his concept for chronic back pain as a disease of the upright gait based on depth psychology, existential analysis and organism.

With the setting of inpatient and day-care multimodal therapy developed for this purpose, he developed a groundbreaking pioneering project for the treatment of complex psychosomatic syndromes in pain , anxiety , depression and burnout


In 1992, Helmut Albrecht was given the opportunity to implement and further develop his concept as the head physician of a newly established clinic department at the Oskar-Helene-Heim , Foundation and Orthopedic Clinic of the Free University of Berlin . Before that, he was instrumental in setting up the psychosomatic consultancy and liaison service for the University Clinic of the Free University (FU) Berlin .

With the opening of Germany's first psychosomatic day clinic in 1996, he realized another component of his successful, innovative concept.

The clinic under his direction at Oskar-Helene-Heim became a center for diagnostics and therapy for psychosomatically ill patients with chronic back pain.

After the Emil von Behring Clinic was taken over by the Oskar-Helene-Heim Foundation, the range of treatments was expanded to include psychosomatically ill patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and lung diseases, as well as oncological psychosomatics.

Helmut Albrecht is a lecturer in advanced medical training at the Academy for Psychosomatic Medicine (APM) Berlin, and lecturer in psychosomatics and psychotherapy science at the Sigmund Freud University in Berlin and Vienna.

Coordinates of conception and methods

The treatment of psychosomatic diseases of all organ systems, of somatoform disorders, anxiety disorders, depression and burn-out , trauma and adjustment disorders, as well as personality disorders, requires orientation towards the fundamental goals of mobilizing salutogenic resources, emotional, existential and organismic, and expanding social interests and social skills. In this way, the deficits in the ability to act, love and relate and a meaningful existence on which the above-mentioned illnesses and disorders are based are specifically compensated for by strengthening core social skills of the self. Methodologically, the therapeutic concept is based on findings from depth psychology, existence analysis and existential psychoanalysis, individual psychology and behavior modification with social training. Extended emotional experience, knowledge about oneself and social skills serve the overarching goal of being able to perceive and design new possibilities for one's own life with and after the therapy. The key is to learn how to become your own doctor.

Thematic focus

Burn-out , psychosomatics of chronic back pain, psychosomatics of anxiety and depression, image of man and the scientific basis of psychosomatics and psychotherapy, cultural psychology , depth psychological biography, the latter so far on Frida Kahlo , Gustav Klimt and Alfred Adler . Their curriculum vitae, characterized by salutogenic power and revolt against senselessness and illness, shows how cultural greatness and pioneering achievements are burdened with the price of a certain tragedy. This point of view was taken up in the current Adler biography

Education and qualifications

Helmut Albrecht completed a degree in medicine with a doctorate at the University of Vienna and a degree in psychology with a diploma from the Free University of Berlin.

He received the qualification as a psychotherapist in Berlin with a focus on depth psychology, existential psychotherapy and group psychotherapy as well as the qualification according to the Austrian Psychotherapy Act as a psychotherapist for individual psychology and existential analysis, ÖÄK diploma in psychotherapeutic medicine from the Austrian Medical Association.

Albrecht graduated as a specialist in internal medicine and specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy.

He is also training analyst, Balint group leader and supervisor of the Berlin Medical Association. He received the certificate of the German Society for Psychiatry , Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in Consultation and Liaison Service as well as the certificate trauma therapy from the MIT Munich Institute for Trauma Therapy.

Fonts (selection)

Book publications / book contributions

  • Psychosomatic pain syndromes as an indicator for relationship and sexual problems. In: F. Lamprecht and R. Johnen (eds.): Salutogenesis - A new concept in psychosomatics? Verlag für Akademische Schriften, Frankfurt am Main 1994, pp. 372–378
  • Helmut Albrecht (Hrsg.): From the meaning of illness - applied philosophical medicine and depth psychology in psychosomatic orthopedics. Quintessenz, Munich 1995
  • Psychosomatics in orthopedics. In: HC Deter (Ed.): Applied Psychosomatics. Thieme, Stuttgart 1997, pp. 377-384
  • Fear and pain as illnesses of the person - on anthropology, psychosomatics and psychotherapy. In: G. Dörner, KD Hüllemann, KF Wessel (Hrsg.): Human images in medicine - medicine in human images . Kleine, Bielefeld 1999, pp. 708-716
  • Embodiment in the beautiful - life and work of Frida Kahlo as a challenge for pain therapy. In: Michael Musalek, Martin Poltrum (ed.): Ars Medica - Towards a new aesthetic in medicine. Parodos, Berlin 2011, pp. 103-120
  • Burn-Out - A Clear Case for Individual Psychology? Alfred Adler as a patient and pioneer of psychosomatic medicine. In: Bernd Rieken (Ed.): Alfred Adler today - On the topicality of individual psychology. Waxmann, Münster - New York - Munich - Berlin 2011, pp. 137–157
  • Gustav Klimt and Lucian Freud - gratification crises and biographical trauma as challenges for the aesthetics of life. In: Martin Poltrum, Ulf Heuner (ed.): Aesthetics as therapy - therapy as aesthetic experience. Parodos, Berlin 2015, pp. 139–157

Magazine articles

  • Medical pain diagnosis between myth and reality - chronic back pain as a disease of the upright gait. In: Researching complementary medicine and classical naturopathy. Volume 8, 2001, pp. 288-294, Karger
  • Mobbing - the quiet everyday violence Lecture at the 5th forum for analysis of existence “Medard Boss - 100th birthday” in Vienna. In: Daseinsanalyse - yearbook for phenomenological anthropology and psychotherapy. Volume 20, 2004, pp. 141-156
  • Chronic back pain or an upright gait disease? Pain diagnostics as a medical myth and the challenge of understanding what is right for you. In: Daseinsanalyse - yearbook for phenomenological anthropology and psychotherapy. Volume 22, 2006, pp. 138-156
  • Anxiety and panic as the organism's “catastrophic reaction” - Kurt Goldstein's (1878–1965) topicality for modern psychosomatics in the field of tension between neurobiology, depth psychology and psychotraumatology. In: Balint Journal. Volume 8, 2007, pp. 115-121, Thieme
  • Document competence - coding according to ICD-10 for specialists in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. In: Medical Psychotherapy. Volume 3, 2008, pp. 114-117, Schattauer
  • When back pain threatens human existence - illness of the organism and existence. In: Applied pain therapy and palliative medicine. Volume 2, 2008, pp. 24-28, Med Comm
  • The influence of the unconscious on salutogenesis, patient treatment and disease development. In: Medical Psychotherapy. Volume 4, 2009, pp. 102-107, Schattauer
  • What is fibromyalgia? Taken literally or: the body as a court jester? In: Daseinsanalyse - yearbook for phenomenological anthropology and psychotherapy. Volume 26, 2010, pp. 172-180
  • Burn-Out - Practical Use and Creative Diagnostics. In: Jatros - specialist journal for neurology and psychiatry. Volume 20, No. 4 and 5, 2012, pp. 24-25, Universimed
  • Gustav Klimt - art and eroticism as self-therapy for closed existence - with a contribution to the analysis of the existence of a stroke. In: Daseinsanalyse - yearbook for phenomenological anthropology and psychotherapy. Volume 31, 2015, pp. 105–117
  • Burn-out - illness, ideal and tragedy. A contribution to burn out among doctors. In: internal practice. Volume 59, 2018, pp. 659-670; In: daily practice. Volume 60, 2018, pp. 652-663; In: pediatric practice. Volume 91, 2018, pp. 142-153; In: gynecological practice. Volume 44, 2019, pp. 640-651

Lectures and Symposia (current selection)

  • Beyond good and bad - farewell and new beginning. A manifesto on psychosomatics. Berlin, January 12, 2018
  • 25 theses on psychosomatics and psychotherapy - learning to become your own doctor. 25th anniversary of the Clinic for Psychosomatics, Berlin, October 12, 2016
  • Frida Kahlo - pain embodied in beauty. Workshop, 12th Krems conference on the subject of "Pain lass", 5./6. June 2015

Web links


  • Academy for Psychosomatic Medicine (APM), Berlin
  • Austrian Daseinsanalytisches Institut (ÖDAI), Vienna
  • Sigmund Freud University (SFU), Berlin and Vienna
  • Institute for Social Aesthetics and Mental Health, SFU Berlin and Vienna
  • Federal Association of Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy (BDPM)

Individual evidence

  1. Psychosomatics is the first personalized medicine - a conversation with Helmut Albrecht . In: Oskar-Helene-Heim Foundation (ed.): 100 Years of Oskar-Helene-Heim 1914-2014 . Berlin 2014, p. 122-126 .
  2. Bernhard Palmowski: Greetings for the 20th anniversary of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy with a focus on orthopedics in the Helios Clinic Emil von Behring. In: Medical Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine. Volume 7, 2012 “We are dealing with a real success story here. In the 20 years of its existence, this clinic, under the direction of Helmut Albrecht, has become a flagship in psychosomatic and medical care not only in Berlin, but in the entire region. This extremely successful development is just as much the result of committed and highly competent patient treatment as well as a convincing inpatient care concept. "
  3. Alexander Kluy, Alfred Adler: The measurement of the human psyche. DVA, Berlin 2018.
  4. Christoph Pieh, Robert Jank, Anton Leitner: Pain - an integrative challenge . Beltz Juventa, Weinheim and Basel 2016, p. 98-99 .