Helmut Kohlenberger

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Helmut Karl Kohlenberger (* 1942 in Wigstadtl , Moravia ) is a German philosopher, translator, editor and university lecturer. He is the author of various works, including on the European idea and cultural-theoretical questions of the Middle Ages and modern times .


After studying philosophy in Tübingen, he worked and taught in the field of medieval philosophy, the development of universities and the collapse of Christian values ​​in modern society.

Kohlberger worked for the magazine Tumult: Writings for Transport Science , Vienna / Munich. He acts as a translator from French into German, especially for texts by André Glucksmann . Kohlberger is part of the editorial team of the magazine "Stredni Europa".

Publications (selection)

  • "Similitudo and Ratio" (1972)
  • "Cuando el jego va en serio" (1991)
  • "Social Theories in Austria" (with R. Knoll, 1994)
  • "Letters about Germany" (1996)
  • "Process, Game: Fragments of the 2nd Millennium" (2013)
    • How the West was Won: Essays on the Literary Imagination, the Canon,  (Contributor, The Monastic Challenge, 2010)
    • Reason, Action and Experience: Essays in Honor of Raymond Klibansky, (Editor, 1998)

Web links