Helmut Schnellenbach

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Helmut Schnellenbach (born August 30, 1937 in Gelsenkirchen ) is a German administrative lawyer and was president of the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court .

After graduating from the Grillo-Gymnasium in Gelsenkirchen Schnellbach studied at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne Law and received his doctorate there as well. After his second state examination, he was initially a judge at the Essen Regional Court . In 1965 he moved to the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. After repeated secondments to the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia , he was appointed judge at the Higher Administrative Court for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1972. In 1978 he became president of the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. He held this position until his retirement in 2001. Since 1981/1982 Schnellenbach has also been honorary professor for administrative law at the University of Bochum . He publishes on civil service law and other public service law and also works as an expert and appraiser in this area.

Publications (selection)

  • Official law in practice , 8th edition, Munich 2013. ISBN 9783406588150
  • Public service law , 2nd edition, Berlin 2010. ISBN 978-3-8305-1752-8
  • The official assessment of officials and judges , loose-leaf collection.
  • as co-author: The Mandate in Civil Service Law , in: Heribert Johlen / Michael Oerder (eds.), Munich Lawyers Handbook Administrative Law , 3rd edition, Munich 2012. ISBN 978-3-406-61907-6
  • Public Service Competitions , 2015

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