Hen 3-1333

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Planetary Nebula
Hen 3-1333
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Photo from the Hubble Space Telescope
Constellation altar
equinox : J2000.0
Right ascension 17h 09m 00.9s
declination -56 ° 54 ′ 48 ″
Central star
Physical data
Catalog names
 PK  332-09 1 • PN G332.9-09.9 •

Hen 3-1333 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Altar , which was cataloged by Karl Gordon Henize in 1976.

Inside the nebula lies the Wolf-Rayet star V837 Arae with about 60% of the solar mass and a temperature of 30,000 Kelvin . The star is surrounded by a disk of dust that, from Earth's perspective, causes a periodic fluctuation in the star's apparent brightness.


  1. ^ KG Henize: Observations of southern emission-line stars , bibcode : 1976ApJS ... 30..491H
  2. A Sheep in Wolf-Rayet's Clothing