Henning Riecke

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Henning Riecke (* 1966 ) is a German political scientist and program manager at the German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP).

Life and career

Riecke studied political science / international relations, history and economics in Frankfurt am Main and Berlin. He received his doctorate with a thesis on the nuclear non-proliferation policy of the Clinton administration and has a diploma in political science from the Free University of Berlin (FU) . From 1994 to 1999 he was a research assistant at the Transatlantic Foreign and Security Policy Unit at the FU. In 1995 he went to the Center for Science and International Affairs, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University as a visiting fellow . As a Thyssen post-doctoral fellow, he conducted a year-long project on US small arms policy at Harvard University's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.

Henning Riecke has been a research assistant at DGAP since November 2000, responsible for the study groups “Strategic Issues”, “European Policy” and “Global Future Issues”. Since January 2009 he has also been Head of the USA / Transatlantic Relations program.




  • Helga Haftendorn , Henning Riecke (1999): - the full power of a sovereign state -: the Allied rights of reservation as a framework for West German foreign policy, 1949-1990. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Nomos Verlag . ISBN 978-3-7890-6008-3 .
  • Henning Riecke (2002): The most ambitious agenda. Berlin, Freie Univ., Revised dissertation.
  • Henning Riecke & Harald Müller (2004): Proliferation. Bielefeld, Bertelsmann . ISBN 3-7639-3200-3 .
  • Henning Riecke (2007). (Ed.): The transformation of NATO. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8329-2495-9 .
  • Sebastian Kurpas, Henning Riecke (2007): The 2007 German EU Presidency: A Midterm Report. Sieps Verlag. ISBN 978-91-85129-69-0 .
  • Henning Riecke u. a. (2013). (Ed.): Partners for stability. Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag. ISBN 978-3-8329-6447-4 .

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