Henri Coudreau

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Henri Anatole Coudreau (born November 16, 1859 in Sonnac , Charente-Maritime , † November 10, 1899 on the Rio Trombetas , in the Pará region , Brazil ) was a French professor of geography and South American researcher. In particular, he traveled the river systems in what is now French Guiana as far as central Brazil. This resulted in extensive research into the local flora and fauna as well as the customs and habits of the indigenous population, which were largely unknown at the time. After his death, his wife Octavie Coudreau continued his work on further expeditions to the Amazon region.


  • La Haute Guyane , 1888
  • Dix ans de Guyane , 1891
  • Chez nos India. Quatre années dans la Guyane française , 1893
  • Voyage au Tocantins-Araguaya , 1897

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