Henri Mérimée

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Henri Mérimée (born January 14, 1878 in Toulouse , † October 24, 1926 ibid) was a French Romance studies , Hispanic and literary scholar.

life and work

Henri Mérimée, son of Ernest Mérimée , attended the École normal supérieure , passed the Agrégation in 1902 , became a high school teacher in Rodez and Montauban and made two long trips to Spain. From 1906 he taught at the University of Montpellier as Maître de conférences, first for Latin and from 1908 to 1914 for Spanish. He completed his habilitation with the two theses L'art dramatique à Valencia depuis les origines jusqu'au commencement du XVIIe siècle (Toulouse 1913, Spanish Valencia 1985), as well as Spectacles et comédiens à Valencia 1580-1630 (Toulouse 1913, Spanish Valencia 2004) and succeeded his father Ernest Mérimée at the University of Toulouse , initially as a lecturer, and from 1919 as full professor of Spanish. As early as 1920, however, he went to his father at the Institut français en Espagne in Madrid and was his successor in the institute management in 1924.

Other works

  • (Ed.) Gaspar Mercader, El Prado de Valencia, Toulouse 1907, Spanish Buñol 2000
  • (Ed.) Guillén de Castro, El Ayo de su hijo, comédie inédite, in: Bulletin Hispanique 1909
  • (Translator) Ramon Menéndez Pidal, L'Épopée castillane à travers la littérature espagnole, Paris 1910
  • (Ed. With E. Vauthier) Théâtre espagnol. Tome I. Encina, Torres Naharro, Lope de Rueda, Lope de Vega, Paris 1925, 1956


  • Obituaries in: Bulletin Hispanique 29, 1927, pp. 121-125, 413-420

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Institut d´Estudis Catalans: Bibliografia, Henri Mérimée (PDF; 3.6 MB), Catalan , accessed on April 6, 2012