Herbert Werner (Manager)

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Herbert Werner (born June 3, 1884 in Kattowitz , † February 24, 1948 in Braunschweig ) was a German industrial manager.


Herbert Werner obtained the Abitur at the municipal high school in Katowice. He then studied law and economics at the Universities of Breslau, Munich and Berlin. In 1906 he became a member of the Corps Silesia in Breslau . In the same year he passed the 1st state examination. In 1907 he was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD. After the 2nd state examination, he took up the service of the State Mining Administration and was promoted to royal mining inspector in 1913.

In 1919 Werner quit his civil service and switched to the Schlesische AG for mining and zinc smelting operations in Lipine. In 1921 he became a board member of the company. In 1922 he became a member of the board of the newly founded Schlesische Bergwerks- und Hütten AG in Beuthen, which had arisen as a result of the changed demarcation in Upper Silesia.

Werner was a board member of the Oberschlesischen Bezirksknappschaft in Gleiwitz and the state planning association in Opole.

Supervisory board mandates

Herbert Werner was chairman of the supervisory board at Ohlauer Hafenbahn und Lagerei AG in Ohlau.


Herbert Werner was awarded the Cross of Merit for War Aid and the Silesian Eagle II and I.


Individual evidence

  1. Glückauf , 81./84. Volume, issue 13/14, p. 238.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 83 , 631
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 21 , 628