Herbert von Ridder

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Herbert August Robert von Ridder (born May 19, 1900 in Layenhof , Mainz district , † around 1945 in Silesia ) was a German nobleman and one of the four aristocratic NSDAP district leaders.


He came from the Ridder family, whose nobility was recognized in 1911. His father was the Knight of Honor of the Order of St. John Gustav von Ridder, who achieved this recognition of nobility. Ridder became a member of the NSDAP and rose in this party to the district leader of the district of Wohlau . As such, he worked in Wohlau from 1937 to 1941. Besides him, three other nobles were NSDAP district leaders in Germany. According to contemporary witnesses, he should have fled with a concubine in 1945 and shot himself when he was caught.


  • Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch. Part B. Volume 34, Gotha 1942, p. 436.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://home.foni.net/~adelsforschung/nati00.htm