Herman Troost

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Herman Troost (* 1943 ) is a Dutch politician. He is chairman of the Verenigde Seniors Partij (United Seniors Party, VSP).


Troost only came into politics in the second half of his life, when he became a member of the Christian Democratic CDA in the mid-1990s . He held various marketing and management positions in business, which also took him abroad. Troost lived in France for a long time , and for some time also in Germany . He was also a reserve officer with the medical troops. 1999 Troost left the CDA again.

Through his work as chairman of the senior citizens' association “Centraal Orgaan Samenwerkende Bonden van Ouderen in Nederland” (COSBO) in Nieuwegein , Troost came back into contact with politics and was elected to the city council in 2002 for the VSP. In 2004 he took over the national chairmanship of the party.

In the 2006 parliamentary elections , Troost ran as the top candidate, but the party only won 0.1 percent of the vote and received no seats in the Dutch lower house .

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