Hermann Cohen Academy

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The Hermann Cohen Academy for Religion, Science and Art in Buchen (Odenwald) , named after the influential Jewish enlightener Hermann Cohen , was opened on October 29, 1998 on the 80th year of his death, and deals in the broadest sense with the embedding of the Jewish thought in European intellectual history. The initiator and director is Eveline Goodman-Thau (Jerusalem).


The Hermann Cohen Academy has set itself the task of creating a framework in which the growing interest in Jewish sources, as shown in philosophy , literary , religious and cultural studies, can unfold without the usual academic constraints. and where the questions of the times can be dealt with in an interdisciplinary manner on the basis of an ethical awareness in a united Europe. The HCA wants to reflect on the cultural differences and historical backgrounds of European traditions of thought and belief. In the encounter between religion and modernity, these traditions should be revived and made fruitful for the present. A fundamental cultural criticism of the historical sciences can thus gain new insights into the connection between the natural sciences and the humanities.

This scientific challenge is to be accompanied by a social one in which academic institutions in research and teaching make a contribution to a fundamental reflection on the change in values ​​in view of the current political situation and the general lack of orientation of many young people in all strata of European society.

In a climate of open academic exchange in research, colloquia and publications, the traditions that have shaped Europe should be recognized and expressed in their traditional, not just historical, basic features. In addition, the HCA sees itself as a network in which working groups and international conferences take place.

Organizational structure

The Hermann Cohen Academy consists of a board of directors and an international academic advisory board that supports the activities in cooperation with scientific institutions in Europe, Israel and the USA. The academy should continue to work as a free academy; a permanent connection as an affiliated institute to a European university is planned.

The Hermann Cohen Academy has its permanent headquarters in the former Beginenklosterle in Buchen / Odenwald. There is also an extensive Judaica library and meeting rooms here.

Hermann Cohen Medal

The Hermann Cohen Academy awards the "Hermann Cohen Medal for Jewish Cultural Philosophy" every year:


Conferences, seminars and summer universities (a selection)

  • Individual and Society. Study day for the opening of the HCA (Buchen 1998)
  • Zeitwelten - thinking between philosophy and religion. International symposium on the occasion of Reiner Wiehl's 70th birthday (Buchen 1999)
  • The sense and nonsense of history. Colloquium on the Philosophy of History (Buchen 2000)
  • History and Identity. Spiritual Leadership Program. In cooperation with the European Union for Jewish Students EUJS (Vienna 2002)
  • Origin and renewal from the sources of Judaism:
  1. International Summer University of the HCA in Buchen / Odenwald (Buchen 1999): Learning and Prayer
  2. International Summer University of the HCA in Buchen / Odenwald (Buchen 2000): Light for the Nations - Myth and Reality
  • Conference on the founding of Jewish women and gender studies (Buchen 2002)
  • The Jewish Heritage of Europe - On the Crisis of Culture in the Field of Tension Between Religion and Modernity. International conference of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in cooperation with the HCA (Berlin 2002)
  • Europe's Jewish Heritage - History and Identity. Martin Buber on his 125th birthday. International symposium of the HCA in cooperation with the Evangelical Academy Arnoldshain, University of Kassel, Martin-Buber-Gesellschaft (Arnoldshain, June 12-15, 2003)
  • From 'system' to 'star'. Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig on the way to a new culture of reason (November 25-27, 2005) in cooperation with the Evangelical Academy Arnoldshain ( PDF )
  • “The meaning of politics is freedom.” Political thinking in the 21st century. Hannah Arendt on her 100th birthday, kindly supported by the FES (November 2nd - 5th, 2006, Centrum Judaicum / Willy-Brandt-Haus), PDF
  • “New Thinking - Jewish Thinking. Franz Rosenzweig on his 120th birthday. A retro perspective ”in cooperation with the Evangelical Academy Arnoldshain (June 28 to July 1, 2007), PDF

Web links

  • Homepage of the Hermann Cohen Academy [1]