Hermann Meier-Cronemeyer

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Hermann Meier-Cronemeyer (* 1932 ; † 1995 ) was a graduate economist and sociologist and author of several books on Jewish history and culture.


Hermann Meier-Cronemeyer (Dr. rer. Pol. Habil.) Is best known for his research on Jewish culture and history . As part of his studies, he stayed several times in Israel and wrote there from 1962 his dissertation on the kibbutzim , which he called Kibbutzim. History, spirit and shape of the University of Hamburg presented. He published works on the history of the Jewish youth movement and Zionism and worked at the Institute for Jewish Studies at the Free University of Berlin .

In 1993, his library was transferred to the Salomon Ludwig Steinheim Institute .

Fonts (selection)

  • Kibbutzim. History, spirit and shape . Publishing house for literature and current affairs, Hanover 1969 (also dissertation).
  • Israel. History of Zionism, Religion and Society, the Middle East Conflict . Publishing house for literature and current affairs, Hanover 1970 (co-author).
    • 2nd, revised edition under the title: Israel in Middle East . Fackelträger-Verlag, Hanover 1973, ISBN 3-7716-2082-1 (co-author).
  • Little history of Zionism. From the beginning until 1948 . Edited and edited by Reiner Bernstein . German-Israeli Working Group for Peace in the Middle East, Berlin 1980.
    • 2nd, revised edition under the title: Zionism. From the beginning to the State of Israel . Haag and Herchen, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-89228-323-0 .
  • History of the State of Israel . Wochenschau-Verlag, Schwalbach 1997, ISBN 3-87920-418-7 and ISBN 3-87920-419-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. critical currents ( Memento of August 7, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation Occasional Paper Series, no.8, January 2010 (PDF; 1.2 MB), page 23
  2. see entry in the catalog of the German National Library