Hermann Zopff

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Hermann Zopff (born June 1, 1826 in Glogau ; † July 12, 1883 in Leipzig ) was a German musicologist and composer.


Hermann Zopff initially studied agriculture in Breslau and Berlin at his father's behest. His father wanted his son to put his musical interests aside and earn a living as a farmer. It was not until the successful performance of one of his first compositions, an overture , that the father decided to release his son for a musical career.

At the age of 24, Zopff went to Berlin in 1850 and became a private student of Adolf Bernhard Marx . At the Stern Conservatory he took piano training with Theodor Kullak . He founded an opera academy and composed a number of music-theatrical works. In 1856 he was promoted to Dr. phil. doctorate, from then on worked as a teacher at the Leipzig Conservatory and made a name for himself as an influential music critic . During this time he became a supporter of Richard Wagner .

By Franz Brendel he was the editor of the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik appointed and in 1868 co-responsible publisher. He was also an active member of the Allgemeine Deutsche Musikverein .


  • The demands of life on art ; 1862
  • Judas Maccabäus ; 1879 (Opera in four acts, Op. 46)
  • Fantasia (free transcription of the entrance choir of 'Adoration of God')
  • Basics of a theory of opera ; 1868 ( online )
  • The budding conductor ; 1881


  • Christopher Fifield: Zopff, Hermann . In: Grove Music Online . Oxford University Press, Oxford (encyclopedia on CD-ROM).


Wikisource: Hermann Zopff  - Sources and full texts


  1. http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:A_Dictionary_of_Music_and_Musicians_vol_4.djvu/529
  2. Dean Cáceres: The real and inner in art. The composer, conductor and teacher Woldemar Bargiel (1828–1897): a contribution to the music history of the unknown 19th century . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2008. ISBN 978-3-89971-719-8 . P. 340.
  3. http://grandemusica.net/musical-biographies-z/zopff-hermann