Hermanus Frederik Roll

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Hermanus Frederik Roll (born May 27, 1867 in Gouda , † September 20, 1935 in Batavia ) was a Dutch doctor. He is considered to be the founder of the Indonesian healthcare system.


Roll studied medicine in Amsterdam , where he graduated in May 1893. He then began his service at KNIL as a military doctor and took part in the Lombok expedition on board the Prins Hendrik der Nederlanden in September of the same year .

In 1895 he became sub-director of the Geneeskundig Laboratorium te Weltevreden , which was headed by the later Nobel Prize winner Christiaan Eijkman and whose post he took over the following year.

During the Dutch colonial period there was a shortage of doctors and nurses in the Dutch East Indies . As a result of this, the colonial rulers began to train locals to be medical assistants in 1851. The trainers were mostly experienced military doctors who were able to impart their knowledge well. The best-known among them were Gerrit Grijns and the later Nobel Prize winner Christiaan Eijkman , who researched vitamin B 1 in the immediate vicinity . With Roll, the real story of STOVIA (School Tot Opleiding Van Indische Artsen) began, which quickly became a renowned educational institution and offered a high level of medical education for locals.

Under Roll, the school developed into a self-confident institution that did not want to limit itself to training medical support staff. Roll was bothered by the arrogant behavior of the colonial rulers towards the natives and encouraged his students to appear self-confident. For this purpose Roll wrote "Het Leerboek der Gerechtelijke Geneeskunde", which appeared in 1908 in the Landsdrukkerij of Batavia. A qualified education for his students was important to Roll and he finally achieved that his students were allowed to study at Dutch universities from 1907.


  • Roll, HF, Ueber the coagulation and decoagulation of blood after drowning, Berlin, 1913.
  • Roll, HF, Is reorganisatie van de School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen te Weltevreden nogmaals noodig ?, Dordrecht, 1909
  • Vogelpoel, Th.G. van, In memoriam dr. HF Roll (1867-1935), in: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 79 (1935)
  • Roll, HF, Leerboek der Kompetenzelijke geneeskunde, Batavia, 1908

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