Hermine Brutschin-Hansen

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Anna Hermine Brutschin-Hansen , (born May 9, 1905 Hamburg , St. Pauli ; † August 20, 1971 in Hamburg), “Aunt Hermine” ran the seaman's pub “TO THE KUHWERDER FERRY” in the Port of Hamburg for more than forty years .


Brutschin-Hansen grew up on St. Pauli as the second child of her parents. On the other side of the Elbe, the new port was built with a lot of effort. The main mode of transport is ferry VII, which carries up to 10,000 people across the river every day. The restaurant "ZUR KUHWERDER FÄHRE" located directly at the ferry terminal on the city side. is born in 1923 , in addition to a haulage company with barge rental from parents, father Hugo Hermann Sigwart Anton Hansen (from Hamburg ) and mother Johanne Magdalene, b. Hans (from Altona ) acquired.

While the forwarding business goes to brother Emil Hermann Arthur, Hermine takes over the pub as a young woman.

On November 5, 1931, she married the helmsman Karl Martin Brutschin. The connection remains childless.

The outbreak of war interrupts the joint sea voyage in the West Indies on board a ship led by Karl. Hermione manages to return home via Norway while her husband is interned in Jamaica.


The small pub has been part of the Port of Hamburg for over half a century. Their favorable location at the pier of the harbor ferry and at the fish market on the one hand, but more the Hamburg original, Hermine Brutschin-Hansen, which has been around for more than forty years. a. During the war and after the war, behind the counter, made the address one of the most famous seaman's pubs in Hamburg and around the world. In addition to seafarers and dock workers, well-known artists and celebrities from business and politics met here.

The premises in St. Pauli Hafenstrasse 108 still exist today. A plaque at the entrance is supposed to remember the mother of the seamen.


  • Bern Hardy (Horst Bernhard): "Call of the Sea" / "Hermine" / "Hamburg"; ISBN 978-3782200776 ; Koehler's publishing company. (August 1982)

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