Heroes in the Sky

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Heroes in the Sky
Studio GameUS
Publisher Gamigo (until 2012)
GameUS (from 2012)
JapanJapanDecember 2008 July 2009 December 4th 2009
Korea SouthSouth Korea
platform Pc
genre Massively multiplayer online game
Game mode Multiplayer
control Keyboard , mouse , joystick , gamepad
system advantages
CPU : Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz / AMD 2500+
RAM: 512 MB
Graphics : Geforce FX 5600 / ATI Radeon 9600
HDD : 700 MB free space
OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Internet : DSL
language German
Age rating
USK released from 12

Heroes in the Sky is a free massive multiplayer online game that was first released in December 2008 in Japan and in July 2009 in Korea. The video game was developed by the Korean development studio GameUS . The official release in Germany was December 4th, 2009.

After multiple conflicts and delays in the updates announced by Gamigo , the publisher responsible in Europe , the owner and gamemaster Jay, who owns the rights to the game in Europe, ended the collaboration at the beginning of 2012, only the previous database system was still running via Gamigo. In view of the now two independent databases, a possibility has been built into the game's login window to log in with both newly created and old Gamigo accounts.

On November 21, 2013, Gamigo announced by email to all account owners that they would cease operations of Heroes in the Sky on December 3, 2013. However, the option was offered to transfer his account to the GameUS servers.


The theme of the game revolves around the dogfights in World War II. In the role of a pilot, the player begins to complete various missions alone or with other players in the turmoil of World War II over historical locations. There is the possibility of improving components on the aircraft and expanding your own aircraft fleet.


Two factions, each with three countries and different types of aircraft on each side, form the basis for Heroes in the Sky .

The Axis Powers are divided into Germany, Japan and Italy, while England, the United States and Russia are on the side of the Allies . The aircraft differ in their maneuverability, speed or attack and defense strength. With additional "tuning" it is also possible to individually improve your own aircraft.

PvP (player versus player)

The game has different PvP multiplayer alternatives.

Direct PvP

Direct PvP takes place with a maximum of 16 players divided into two teams. The fractions can be mixed. There are different flight landscapes and setting options (Team Deathmatch, Everyone against Everyone or Last Man Standing).


In an aerial battle, the factions can compete against each other and over historical locations such as B. Pearl Harbor fight. In addition, each faction has certain tasks such as defending buildings or destroying individual objects. The tasks differ from scenario to scenario.

Aggressive war

On two large maps (Pacific and Europe) different country points have to be captured or defended. This is also fought over historical battlefields. Home bases such as Japan or the USSR cannot be captured and serve as a last resort or as a starting point for new attacks. Up to 38 players can take part in a fight per round. A player can take the post of commander in battle. He can actively participate or use an overview map to send direct commands to individual groups of players. Win or lose affect the entire game, as e.g. B. the losing side has increased costs, while the victorious faction bears less costs.

Raid system

In the raid can participate up to 16 players. The aim is to get to the final boss together through various missions and to defeat him. The aim is to get one of the veteran items .

An internal ranking system, which is updated daily, is also available for PvP and PVE .

PvE (Player versus Environment)

The Heroes in the Sky's PvE system is divided into four campaigns, each containing 10–20 missions. After each section of a campaign has been successfully completed, the player can advance to the next area. In PvE you have the option of flying alone or with up to four players at the same time. Exceptions are so-called special missions, which are designed for up to eight players.

Crafting system

Through blueprints that can be found in missions, the player can upgrade his equipment. There are blueprints that upgrade aircraft components, as well as blueprints that make it possible to manufacture new equipment and aircraft. For this purpose, the materials that were collected in missions are used.


The base is the assembly point in the game. Important areas can be entered from here. In addition, other players offer useful items for sale in private shops.

Skill system

Through certain orders ("quests") the player can acquire skill points, which he in turn can use in the hangar to learn certain skills. Skills are varied and specialize in bombers, fighter jets and night fighters. In the case of combat aircraft, certain abilities can only be used by "powerful" aircraft.

Item shop

Heroes in the Sky is free to play. However, the item shop offers the player the opportunity to purchase helpful items for so-called "HiS Dollars". In addition, there are so-called premium planes that can be purchased either through a lottery in the form of five boxes or by purchasing a package. The package includes an avatar that is placed over your own aircraft. The basic properties remain the same, however. The lottery planes can be upgraded with an "upgrade kit".

Sources and web links