
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Herodas (Greek Ἡρώδας Hērṓdas ; also Herondas or Heroidas ) was an ancient Greek poet of Mimiamben in the epoch of Hellenism . He probably came from Kos and lived in the 3rd century BC. Very little was known of him until 1890, when nine of his mimiambes were found on an Egyptian papyrus .

Most of his stories feature people from the lower classes such as brothel keepers and slaves. Herodas was an imitator of the Ionian poet Hipponax . He lived in Alexandria for at least a while .

Text editions and translations

  • Otto Crusius , Rudolf Herzog (ed.): The Mimiamben des Herondas. 2nd, completely revised edition. Dieterich, Leipzig 1926, reprint Olms, Hildesheim 1967 (with German translation)
