Hidekazu Nariai

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Hidekazu Nariai ( Japanese 成 相 秀 一 , Nariai Hidekazu ; born February 2, 1924 in Taisha , Hikawa County (today: Izumo ), Shimane Prefecture ; † December 5, 1990 in Takehara ) was a Japanese astrophysicist and cosmologist . He was a professor at Hiroshima University .


He attended Matsue High School and studied at Tōhoku University , where he received his doctorate and was then a research assistant . In 1953 he went to the Research Institute for Theoretical Physics (RITP) of the University of Hiroshima in the city of Takehara. In 1972 he became a professor there and in 1987 he retired .

Nariai was considered one of Japan's leading theoretical cosmologists. He dealt with exact solutions to the equations of general relativity (a group of solutions to the field equations in vacuum with cosmological constants is named after him), cosmological theory of the turbulent formation of galaxies (which he expanded with his school from the 1960s, but which meanwhile considered refuted), cosmological perturbation theory of the Newton approximation (with Yoshio Ueno ), quantum field theory in expanding universes (with Toshiei Kimura ), general relativistic dynamics of collapsing stars (with corresponding connection conditions of the solutions) and renormalized gravitation theories with Lagrangian functions of higher order as extensions of Einstein's Theory of gravity.


  • On some static solutions of Einstein's gravitational field equations in a spherically symmetric case; Scientific Reports Tohoku University, Volume 34, 1950, p. 160
  • On a new cosmological solution of Einstein's field equations of gravitation; Scientific Reports Tohoku University, 35, 1951, p. 46
    • Reprinted in George FR Ellis , Malcolm AH MacCallum, Andrzej Krasinski (eds.) Golden Oldies in General Relativity. Hidden Gems , Springer Verlag 2013, with biography of Kenji Tomita

Individual evidence

  1. Since June 1990, the RITP is with the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics (RIFP) of Kyoto University united