Hilbert algebra

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Hilbert algebras are examined in the mathematical sub-area of functional analysis. They are algebras with an additional pre-Hilbert space structure, which explains the name Hilbert algebra . On the completion can be Von Neumann algebras construct, ultimately leading to a characterization of the semi-finite von Neumann algebras leads. A generalization of this construction, which applies to every Von-Neumann algebra, leads to the concept of the generalized Hilbert algebra and is the starting point of the Tomita-Takesaki theory .


A Hilbert algebra is an associative algebra over the field of complex numbers together with an involution and a scalar product , which makes it a pre-Hilbert space, so that the following conditions are met:

  • for all
  • for all
  • For each , the mapping is continuous in the norm topology defined by the scalar product .
  • Out for everyone follows .

In the following is the Hilbert space , which results as the completion of . From the first condition it follows that the involution continues to a continuous, conjugate linear mapping for which

and for everyone

holds, one calls the canonically defined involution on .

The maps and continue for each to form continuous linear operators and such that:

is an involutive homomorphism
is an involutive antiomomorphism
for all
and for everyone

The completed cases concerning. The weak operator topologies of and be with and called and called the left-associated or right-associated von Neumann algebra . To prove that these are actually Von Neumann algebras, in particular that these algebras contain the identity , one needs the fourth condition of the above definition.

A von Neumann algebra is called a standard von Neumann algebra if it is of the form .


The H * -algebra algebra of the Hilbert-Schmidt operators on a Hilbert space is a Hilbert algebra. Denotes the conjugated Hilbert space , then is isomorphic to the Hilbert space tensor product . For is the one-dimensional operator if the scalar product is linear in the first component and conjugate linear in the second. Then

and therefore




where the tensor product denoted by the slash is the tensor product for Von Neumann algebras . One reads from it

because the linear combinations from the one-dimensional operators lie close together in the respective algebras.

Semi-infinite Von Neumann algebras

The Von Neumann algebras, which appear as the left-associated Von Neumann algebras of Hilbert algebras, are precisely the semi-finite Von Neumann algebras . If a Hilbert algebra is given, then there is a semi-finite, normal, faithful trace that makes a semi-finite Von Neumann algebra. Conversely, if a semi-finite Von Neumann algebra with such a trace is a Hilbert algebra with the scalar product defined by , whose left-associated Von Neumann algebra is too isomorphic.

Generalized Hilbert Algebra

A generalized Hilbert algebra is an associative algebra over the field of complex numbers together with an involution and a scalar product , which makes it a pre-Hilbert space, so that the following conditions are met:

  • The mapping is a closable , conjugate-linear operator in the completion .
  • for all
  • For each , the mapping is continuous in the norm topology defined by the scalar product .
  • Out for everyone follows .

Generalized Hilbert algebras are also called left Hilbert algebras.

Hilbert algebras are generalized Hilbert algebras. For this purpose it is necessary to show that the picture , is lockable, ie from and already follows. For each one follows a Hilbert algebra using the first defining property

and therefore , because was arbitrary, that is, is perpendicular to a dense subset of the completion.

As above, the displays put on operators to continue their weakly closed hull forms the left-associated von Neumann algebra . The end of the figure is called the Sharp operator, which is why many authors write the involution with the Sharp character #. Its polar decomposition leads to the formulas that are described in the article on Tomita-Takesaki theory .

Any Von Neumann algebra has a faithful, normal, semi-infinite weight . Then there is a generalized Hilbert algebra whose left-associated Von Neumann algebra is too isomorphic.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jacques Dixmier : Von Neumann algebras. North-Holland, Amsterdam 1981, ISBN 0-444-86308-7 , Chapter I.5.1: Definition of Hilbert algebras.
  2. ^ Jacques Dixmier: Von Neumann algebras. North-Holland, Amsterdam 1981, ISBN 0-444-86308-7 , Chapter I, §5, Paragraph 5, Definition 7.
  3. ^ Jacques Dixmier: Von Neumann algebras. North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam et al. 1981 (North-Holland Mathematical Library, Volume 27), ISBN 0-444-86308-7 , Part I, Chap. 6, para. 5: Normal traces on L (H).
  4. ^ Jacques Dixmier: Von Neumann algebras. North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam et al. 1981 (North-Holland Mathematical Library, Volume 27), ISBN 0-444-86308-7 , Part I, Chap. 6, para. 2, Theorem 1 and Theorem 2.
  5. ^ M. Takesaki : Tomita's theory of modular Hilbert-algebras and its applications. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 128, Springer-Verlag 1970, §2.
  6. ^ RV Kadison , JR Ringrose : Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II. Academic Press, 1983, ISBN 0-12-393302-1 , definition 9.2.41.
  7. ^ RV Kadison , JR Ringrose : Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras II , Academic Press (1983), ISBN 0-12-393302-1 , sentence 9.2.40.