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Coat of arms of the former municipality of Himanka

Himanka [ ˈhimɑŋkɑ ] ( Swedish. Himango ) is a former community in western Finland . At the beginning of 2010 it was incorporated into the city of Kalajoki .

Himanka is located on the west coast of Finland 28 kilometers southwest of central Kalajoki. The main town of the former municipality is called Raumankari and is located at the mouth of the Lestijoki River in the Gulf of Bothnia . In addition, the villages of Ainali, Hillilä, Himankakylä, Lahdensuu, Pahkala, Pernu, Pöntiö, Rautila, Saarenpää, Tomujoki, Torvenkylä and Kannuskylä belong to the former municipal area. In total, the municipality had an area of ​​256.5 km² (excluding the marine areas). The last population was 3,023. The community was monolingual in Finnish .

Himanka Church

The main town Raumankari has existed since the early 18th century. A sawmill was built there towards the end of the same century, and it remained in operation until the 1950s. Originally, Himanka belonged to the Lohtaja parish . In 1794 Himanka got its own prayer house , in 1846 it was raised to a chapel parish . In the course of the local reorganization of Finland, the municipality of Himanka was created in 1868. The Himanka parish finally broke away from Lohtaja in 1898. At the beginning of 2010, Himanka was incorporated into the city of Kalajoki. At the time of his communal independence, Himanka belonged to the Middle Ostrobothnia landscape , and the incorporation resulted in Northern Ostrobothnia .

The area of ​​Himanka is rural, the main industries are traditionally potato cultivation, fur farming and fishing. The main attractions of Himanka are the wooden church built in 1794 and the historic church village Raumankari, in which some wooden buildings from the early 19th century have survived.

Web links

Commons : Himanka  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Status: January 1, 2009, source: Maanmittauslaitos ( Memento from February 25, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) (Finnish land surveying office): Suomen pinta-ala kunnittain January 1, 2009.
  2. Status: December 31, 2009, source: Väestörekisterikeskus ( Memento from December 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (Finnish population register): Läänien, maistraattien, kihlakuntien ja kuntien asukaslukutiedot kuukausittain.

Coordinates: 64 ° 4 ′  N , 23 ° 39 ′  E