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Coat of arms of the former Lohtaja municipality

Lohtaja [ lɔhtɑjɑ ] (Swed. Lochteå ) is a former municipality in the Finnish countryside Central Ostrobothnia and now a part of the city Kokkola .

Lohtaja is located 33 kilometers northeast of the city center of Kokkola not far from the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia . In addition to the eponymous Kirchdorf the community Lohtaja involved nor the villages Alaviirre, Karhi, Marin Martikainen, Sorto, Väliviirre and Koskenkylä. The area of ​​the municipality was 519.4 km², the population was last at 2,791.

The Lohtaja parish was founded in 1575 and initially comprised a much larger area than the later municipality. In 1859, Kannus and Toholampi (including the chapel community Lestijärvi ) split up as chapel communities from Lohtaja, followed by Himanka in 1898 . At the beginning of 2009 Lohtaja was incorporated into the city of Kokkola together with Ullava and Kälviä .

Lohtaja is best known for the longest sandy beach in the Nordic countries on the Vattaja peninsula (Finnish: Vattajaniemi) . Most of it is used by the Finnish armed forces as a training and firing area. At the end of the peninsula after a short causeway to the island Ohtokari, an old fishing village with fishing museum, fishing harbor and beacon (today used as a lookout) on the, an old is Trojaburg and an amused by LEAF (Suomen Luterilaisen Evankeliumiyhdistyksen) holiday center is. One of the rituals of visitors to the island is to throw a stone at the pile of stones in the area of ​​the holiday center. The more important festivals in Lohtaja include the Vexilla regis church music festival in summer and the fish festival. In 1930 a piece of a mammoth tusk about 70 cm long was found in the Viiretjoki River , the age of which was estimated to be 24,000 years.

Individual evidence

  1. As of 2008, source: Maanmittauslaitos (Finnish land surveying office) (PDF; 247 kB)
  2. As of December 31, 2008. Source: Väestörekisterikeskus (Finnish population register). ( Memento of the original from September 20, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / vrk.fi

Coordinates: 64 ° 1 ′  N , 23 ° 30 ′  E